[緊急][第五年] 一句講晒 柴田妹一月中前捐到$780HKD我捐double
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-24 14:30:34 想入行做programmer,有無咩短期course推介
#170 回覆 - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區







誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-24 14:31:57 希望今年聖誕唔好同男友玩得太夜


手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2022-12-24 18:06:41
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-25 04:04:36 推啦屌
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2022-12-25 04:15:10 收到風柴見到香港冇聖誕燈飾 太sad 所以下年先再做
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-25 11:30:57
Antecti 2022-12-25 13:45:16 柴田妹係咪生左柴田女柴田仔 ,好忙
強力飲水 2022-12-25 14:00:52 緊急
漢語多功能字庫 2022-12-25 14:01:23 Push
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2022-12-25 16:35:26 牙柴出左既話 考慮比佢打你尖
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-25 16:53:11 搶人才搶柴田


強力飲水 2022-12-25 18:47:58 其實我0識CPP的。。可以上XY capital 同手巴交流傾吓計學吓道理已經滿足了。。
強力飲水 2022-12-25 18:49:31 拉錯。。推反。。
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2022-12-25 18:50:45 你啲上莊講左好多柒野比手巴聽了。。。
強力飲水 2022-12-25 19:22:27 。。。。。。。5建議再講。。。
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-26 03:57:53 搶心柴田妹係咪去左kk園
Husky 2022-12-26 13:18:44 屌,見到呢個po先醒起唔記得開金金第六年po
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2022-12-26 13:19:40 話說金金最近係邊到浦頭?
Husky 2022-12-26 13:23:46 一個吹水的IT manager 洗左公司 50萬搞個system

時事台都有 但唔記得咩po
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-26 14:56:26 柴田寶連留言都唔比
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-27 10:11:19 搶人才搶柴田


誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-27 23:42:03 柴田妹入
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2022-12-29 07:35:46 發宇宙通行證比柴田妹
大波霸共榮圈 2022-12-29 08:43:13 ChatGPT 都幫佢唔到

write a new turing complete programming language that can run on different platforms

Creating a new programming language that is Turing complete and can run on different platforms is a complex task that requires a thorough understanding of programming language design, compiler design, and runtime environments. It is not a task that can be accomplished in a single code example.

Here are some of the steps you might take to create a new Turing complete programming language:

Define the goals and target audience for the programming language: Before you begin designing the language, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you want the language to be able to do and who you want to use it. This will help you make design decisions that are appropriate for your target audience and use cases.

Design the syntax and semantics of the programming language: The syntax of a programming language defines the structure and organization of the code, while the semantics define the meaning of the code. You will need to define the syntax and semantics of your programming language in a way that is clear, consistent, and expressive.

Implement a compiler for the programming language: A compiler is a program that translates the code written in your programming language into machine code that can be executed by the computer. You will need to design and implement a compiler that can translate your programming language into machine code that can run on different platforms.

Implement a runtime environment for the programming language: A runtime environment is the software that executes the machine code generated by the compiler and provides support for features such as memory management, input/output, and error handling. You will need to design and implement a runtime environment that can support the features of your programming language and run on different platforms.

Test and debug the programming language: Once you have implemented the compiler and runtime environment for your programming language, you will need to test and debug the language to ensure that it is functioning correctly. This may involve writing test cases, analyzing error messages, and fixing bugs in the compiler or runtime environment.

Keep in mind that this is just a high-level overview of the process of creating a new programming

大波霸共榮圈 2022-12-29 08:47:12 propose a tuning complete syntax in YACC form
YACC (Yet Another Compiler-Compiler) is a tool for generating parsers for programming languages. A parser is a program that analyzes the structure of a piece of code and checks whether it is well-formed according to the rules of the programming language.

Here is an example of a YACC syntax for a very simple, toy programming language that is Turing complete:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int memory[256];
int pc = 0;

void execute(int op, int arg1, int arg2) {
  switch (op) {
    case 0: // HALT
    case 1: // LOAD
      pc = memory[arg1];
    case 2: // STORE
      memory[arg1] = arg2;
    case 3: // ADD
      memory[arg1] += arg2;
    case 4: // JUMP
      pc = arg1;
    case 5: // JUMPEQ
      if (memory[arg1] == memory[arg2]) {
        pc = arg1;
      printf("Invalid opcode: %d\n", op);

Gen 到一半死左。