[桌球]English Open 2022 (33)
有分析認為 2023-1-27 18:23:32 而加d過百同147多左咁多,唔覺得係球手嘅水平大幅進步,因為好多冠軍仲係比果幾個人壟斷晒,世錦賽已經係最好例子


Messibb 2023-1-27 20:35:09 咁宜家底嗰浸水平的確係高過以前底嗰浸好多
黑島沙和 2023-1-27 23:36:14 A brand new world ranking tournament, the WST Classic, will be staged in Leicester in March.

The 128-player knockout event will have total prize money of £427,000 and a top prize of £80,000. Open to all tour players, it will run from March 16-22 at the Morningside Arena.

This tournament, which replaces the Turkish Masters, will be best of seven frames from the first round up to the quarter-finals, then best of nine for the semi-finals and best of 11 for the final.

食花生師 2023-1-28 09:22:16 同British Open一樣 Bo11決賽
有分析認為 2023-1-28 09:27:36 其實咁講,未搵到贊助之下WST自己都出得起42萬磅,Turkey真係窮到咁
垃圾推波仔 2023-1-28 21:20:21 好撚嘈shootout
舒夫金撈 2023-1-28 21:28:30 比利時仔幾高大
垃圾推波仔 2023-1-28 21:29:07 個呀伯突晒點 肥仔波
柯基的屁股 2023-1-28 21:43:20 啱啱開場算靜㗎啦
食花生師 2023-1-28 21:52:17 係咪第一次shootout要停咗個match
垃圾推波仔 2023-1-28 21:58:25 其實幾好feel


食花生師 2023-1-29 00:57:30 Poomjaeng好正
今日割五城 2023-1-29 00:59:41 竟然贏左 成場係咁笑
捲起千堆雪 2023-1-29 01:02:12 Poomjaeng
柯基的屁股 2023-1-29 01:10:06 十六強戲碼
食花生師 2023-1-29 01:31:04 https://twitter.com/wearewst/status/1619382866684641281?s=46&t=bxBTW6KlR8YmnzuG-1as0Q
柯基的屁股 2023-1-29 04:40:37 Michael Holt打shoot out真係有一手
有分析認為 2023-1-29 07:45:18 Wakelin首奪排名賽冠軍,決賽仲獵埋highest break prize 5000磅
韋利安(世三) 2023-1-30 19:46:33
食花生師 2023-1-31 19:19:24 有報導指,桌總調查緊上年德國大師賽有無牽涉打假波

食花生師 2023-1-31 19:23:27 搵到原報導,大家有興趣可以睇下


捲起千堆雪 2023-2-1 22:49:32 Asia-Pacific Women's Championship
冇咗Evans, 得翻安儀同埋泰妹,其餘幾位香港女球手實力算係勁過最廢果班,但依然鬥唔過top果幾位

German Masters
今日開波,Lisowski捧盃最大機會,上線top 16得佢自己,芥蘭,麥嬌。下線淨返啫喱同brecel。想Jack仔贏,不過佢肯定會無啦啦自爆

黑島沙和 2023-2-1 23:37:05 私心都想Jack拎第一個冠軍
食花生師 2023-2-1 23:54:01 輕鬆過第一關
柯基的屁股 2023-2-2 02:34:19 German masters個陣容真係不堪入目