寫咗程式轉stickers whatsapp, tg, 熄爐, line, kakao都支持
t10086 2022-12-18 01:34:26 https://github.com/signalstickers/stickers-scripts
def resize(f_bytes):
elif pil_frame.mode == "P":
pil_frame = rgba_to_rgb(pil_frame.convert("RGBA"))
elif pil_frame.mode == "LA"or "L":
pil_frame = rgba_to_rgb(pil_frame.convert("RGBA"))



經convert嘅圖直接上signal,and會睇到,ios會亂左唔識郁,經iSparta convert先會兩面都識郁,我唔熟image format唔識搞


t10086 2022-12-18 01:38:33
Ching line sticker可以網上提取,你用唔用到python,我有啲自用code可以比你apply
睇番你係用python, 我自己有個line sticker to signal 嘅program,不過突破唔到ios 食apng, 唔知點解部分apng format係and食到,ios食唔到, 所以要手動再用其他tool convert先得,如果你有興趣我直接成舊比你,如果打算免費比其他用
Android食到但係iOS食唔到咁得意? 想問下係咩tool convert就得 用咩tool就唔得

呢個program預咗free as in freedom啦 如果想share嘅話可以睇下
def resize(f_bytes):
elif pil_frame.mode == "P":
pil_frame = rgba_to_rgb(pil_frame.convert("RGBA"))
elif pil_frame.mode == "LA"or "L":
pil_frame = rgba_to_rgb(pil_frame.convert("RGBA"))



經convert嘅圖直接上signal,and會睇到,ios會變左唔識郁,經iSparta convert先會兩面都識郁,我唔熟image format唔識搞
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 02:50:45 3693KB嘅apng壓到去1458KB 同埋好快 都幾好

import os
import apng

os.system('ffmpeg -y -i 0.webm -r 10 0.apng')
os.system('apngdis 0.apng -S')
os.system('magick 0_strip.png -crop 512x512 ./frames-orig/frame_%03d.png')
os.system('pngnq-s9 -L -Qn -T15 -n 90 -e .1.png 0_strip.png')
os.system('pngquant --nofs --quality 0-90 --strip --ext .2.png 0_strip.1.png')
os.system('magick 0_strip.1.2.png -crop 512x512 ./frames/frame_%03d.png')
for i in os.listdir('./frames'):
    os.system(f'optipng -o4 ./frames/{i}')
    os.system(f'magick ./frames/{i} -resolution 512x512 -quality 95 ./frames/{i}')
os.system('apngasm -F -d 100 -o result_by_apngasm.apng ./frames/*')

apng.APNG.from_files([f'./frames-orig/{i}' for i in sorted(os.listdir('./frames-orig'))], delay=100).save('result_by_pymodule_rgba_mode.apng')
apng.APNG.from_files([f'./frames/{i}' for i in sorted(os.listdir('./frames'))], delay=100).save('result_by_pymodule_p_mode.apng')

之前遇到嘅問題係P mode嘅png用python apng module串出嚟(result_by_pymodule_p_mode.apng)嘅話會爛圖

我研究下有冇啲咩可以借鑒一下 取代部分/全部搞apng嘅external program

溺機殺手 2022-12-18 03:02:13 https://github.com/iSparta/iSparta/tree/master/static/bin/win64


btw iSparta原來都係用差唔多嘅external program
伯母需要我 2022-12-18 03:06:17 用":"做名整wastickers好似會爛咗
妳是我心上人 2022-12-18 04:34:35 軟件台終於有曲睇下
操姐卵 2022-12-18 05:08:18 唔啱就躝啦
Beat頭屎 2022-12-18 05:24:33 巴打點解決有D Line Animated Sticker File Size太大 喺唔爛圖下壓到最盡都Over左個Limit
支爆 2022-12-18 08:56:00 我想問吓點解唔整android/apple apps版,要整windows/Mac版?
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 11:42:29 https://stackoverflow.com/a/31976060

因為 ":" 係illegal filename character
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 11:42:59 例子?


舞會廷執 2022-12-18 11:55:09 想問下點解pyinstaller nocosole 點先唔當係毒
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 12:00:50 1. 依家已經有整stickers嘅手機app 我目標係想整bulk convert嘅工具 唔洗喺手機細mon篤篤篤
2. 依家暫時未寫到個快速壓到去細過300KB 嘅.apng嘅方法
3. 寫手機app難好多 (特別係iOS 我完全唔識) 花嘅時間都好多
4. 好可能會因為版權問題上唔到 (特別係因為有下載Line同Kakao嘅功能)
蠚螶螙蠭螽蝱 2022-12-18 12:01:08 樓主topic用支持唔用支援,用埋d共產中文

Support feature係用支援呀支那仔
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 12:02:50 https://youtu.be/1gIqcSKOZTs?t=14
支爆 2022-12-18 12:11:15 辛苦晒
t10086 2022-12-18 13:58:07 暫時沒空餘時間睇了,靠你了,我要躺平一下先
玩鳩呀叔咩 2022-12-18 21:32:25 支持轉用CLI
大_春_袋 2022-12-18 21:41:56 Python世界第一
佐々木ミツマタ_B 2022-12-19 19:19:51 今日係line 拎圖再convert 去signal / TG 都係係compress 完成之後 話無咗個webg file
因為係公司搞 聽朝再畀code
床上的U兒 2022-12-19 19:25:22 LM


佐々木ミツマタ_B 2022-12-20 11:30:20
Exception in thread Thread-1 (start_process):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "threading.py", line 1038, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "threading.py", line 975, in run
  File "gui.py", line 531, in start_process
  File "uploaders\upload_telegram.py", line 18, in upload_stickers_telegram
  File "utils\metadata_handler.py", line 30, in get_metadata
  File "json\__init__.py", line 293, in load
  File "json\__init__.py", line 346, in loads
  File "json\decoder.py", line 337, in decode
  File "json\decoder.py", line 353, in raw_decode
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting ',' delimiter: line 32 column 5 (char 665)

windows 11 input local directory output upload to tg
溺機殺手 2022-12-20 14:16:55 你個emoji.txt有問題... 係咪手動郁過?
佐々木ミツマタ_B 2022-12-20 14:23:10 咁我講下我本身做咗啲咩 因為我係line 到dn 靜態sticker
咁之後compress to tg
之後 我再選out put係 upload to TG
出error話無emoji 所以skip upload file
之後我再試揀up load to signal
就將我琴日套由TG D/n 落嚟嘅另一套動態 sticker 同 emoji txt 嘅setting 再upload 返上去 但係就無將我任何一張line果套sticker convert

咁我就係emoji.txt 加返對應每個png file name 配返一個emoji 咁去修改
溺機殺手 2022-12-20 15:19:27 如果漏咗emoji.txt嘅話 應該會generate一個template俾你 assign每個file去哈哈笑emoji 呢個時候再upload嘅話就會用default所有係哈哈笑嚟upload
如果你自己改過嘅話 你check下係咪第32行漏咗個逗號? 再唔掂就send個emoji.txt睇下?