寫咗程式轉stickers whatsapp, tg, 熄爐, line, kakao都支持
番梘湯 2022-12-16 17:31:09 支持


溺機殺手 2022-12-16 17:36:21 睇FAQ thanks

._.y 2022-12-16 17:44:14
佐々木ミツマタ_B 2022-12-16 18:24:54 想轉TG animation sticker to signal animation sticker

warning: cannot find binary file pngnq-s9.exe
溺機殺手 2022-12-16 19:20:09 Autobuild嘅時候唔記得download一堆dependency

試下1.5.4: https://github.com/laggykiller/sticker-convert/releases
感電 2022-12-16 19:28:58 正呀
溺機殺手 2022-12-16 19:30:50 置頂: 支持動態stickers Colab版登場

出到1.5.4啦 有問題嘅話先試咗新版本先~
溺機殺手 2022-12-16 23:27:05 置頂: 支持動態stickers Colab版登場

Windows/MacOS 最新版本: https://github.com/laggykiller/sticker-convert/releases
Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/laggykiller/sticker-convert
Google colab (免下載但慢): https://colab.research.google.com/github/laggykiller/sticker-convert/blob/master/sticker_convert_colab.ipynb

Github主頁: https://github.com/laggykiller/sticker-convert
FAQ: https://github.com/laggykiller/sticker-convert#faq

如果個program有咩問題嘅話 先去download最新版本 仲係唔掂嘅話就copy個terminal (黑色視窗) 嘅字send上嚟 最好share埋你想轉嘅stickers 方便debug
有你嘅bug report 個program會變得更好

歡迎提出! (最好send埋Pull requests
依家最頭痛嘅係.apng壓得慢 同埋想減少依賴啲external program (e.g. ImageMagick, pngquant)
我打算執靚UI 甚至整WebUI + Host出嚟 不過要等得閑先啦 (如果對個project有愛嘅話 歡迎攞去host 有docker image俾你)

Telegram / Signal 啲uuid / password / token / user_id 點搵?
睇FAQ: https://github.com/laggykiller/sticker-convert#faq


- Android: 去 "/storage/emulated/0/Whatsapp/media/Whatsapp Stickers" 或者 "/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Stickers"
- Android / iOS: 去WhatsApp Web右制落個stickers然後撳"Save image as..." 然後用個program去convert
望遠 2022-12-17 03:26:46 上面有巴打提議 host server 然後整 web gui,仲有一個方向係編做 wasm 然後放落 web 行

我本身都用 go 寫咗個將 gif 轉 tg sticker 嘅工具,想俾唔熟 programming 嘅 design team 用但又唔想 host server,最後 compile 做 wasm 放落 web app 用,可以直接放上 jamstack 平台免費 host

btw 唔熟 python 唔知編做 wasm 會唔會好麻煩
特別仲要咁多 dependencies
燃狗小菜 2022-12-17 03:38:36 免費仲想點
溺機殺手 2022-12-17 04:34:24 好似之前見過有人用wasm喺browser整vm行windows xp? 真係好型

wasm呢條路都可行 不過依家個code依賴咁多external program (ImageMagick, apngasm... 可以睇下個github workflow有幾多嘢要down
) 要變佢做wasm可能有啲難度(?) 利申未試過咁玩

如果我有咁嘅技術嘅話 我都好想咁玩 可惜知識唔夠


誠哥的繼承者們 2022-12-17 12:03:01 免費唔係大哂
初戀得一次 2022-12-17 12:59:38 此回覆已被刪除
溺機殺手 2022-12-17 14:53:37 其實依家已經有手機app可以轉/整sticker 一般用家用嗰啲已經ok 我想做到嘅嘢係俾人bulk convert stickers 唔洗喺手機mon用手指慢慢篤


至於signal/telegram要攞key/token 怕麻煩嘅話 其實可以手動upload 我諗我可以喺個program提下用家

其實我見都有telegram bot做sticker conversion 但係好似好易俾人ban所以不了
屌撚到你反西 2022-12-17 15:10:49 CLI已經夠做
兼職陰陽師 2022-12-17 21:30:17 2022年緊係用electron
兼職陰陽師 2022-12-17 21:31:28 clone落嚟自己寫
寫完記得submit返pull request
伯母需要我 2022-12-18 00:49:39 測試下轉LINE 27286 做 wastickers 5次 未試過成功

想知衰咩 下面係最後一次嗰陣個error
Exception in thread Thread-1 (start_process):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "threading.py", line 1038, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "threading.py", line 975, in run
  File "gui.py", line 534, in start_process
  File "uploaders\compress_wastickers.py", line 49, in compress_wastickers
  File "uploaders\compress_wastickers.py", line 65, in add_metadata
  File "utils\metadata_handler.py", line 44, in set_metadata
UnicodeEncodeError: 'cp932' codec can't encode character '\u2013' in position 11: illegal multibyte sequence
t10086 2022-12-18 00:53:12 Ching line sticker可以網上提取,你用唔用到python,我有啲自用code可以比你apply
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 01:02:34 有啲open file唔記得整做utf-8

啱啱patch咗 ~15分鐘之後你去 https://github.com/laggykiller/sticker-convert/releases 下載v1.5.7
t10086 2022-12-18 01:02:36 睇番你係用python, 我自己有個line sticker to signal 嘅program,不過突破唔到ios 食apng, 唔知點解部分apng format係and食到,ios食唔到, 所以要手動再用其他tool convert先得,如果你有興趣我直接成舊比你,如果打算免費比其他用


溺機殺手 2022-12-18 01:04:13 本身已經支持下載Line stickers (https://github.com/laggykiller/sticker-convert/blob/master/sticker_convert/downloaders/download_line.py)

定係你意思係有更好嘅方法下載? 或者其他網站有提供Line stickers?
t10086 2022-12-18 01:05:00 差唔多,大家都係上去拎
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 01:10:10 Android食到但係iOS食唔到咁得意? 想問下係咩tool convert就得 用咩tool就唔得

呢個program預咗free as in freedom啦 如果想share嘅話可以睇下
溺機殺手 2022-12-18 01:29:29 btw 日文windows系統