LIHKG Hot Toys 1/6 1/4 Figures 討論區 630 牙活日日派新貨
30歲(後追) 2022-12-8 13:50:31 會收起左


本土 2022-12-8 13:50:44 拆開會有嘢睇,難怪HT成日強調極像真人偶
顏射邱淑貞 2022-12-8 13:51:19 睇佢塊田
速龍肥婆 2022-12-8 14:11:53 少少想訂
30歲(後追) 2022-12-8 14:17:36 覺得哩隻板真係整得幾好

希望Dr Fate唔會比下去
Mobi 2022-12-8 14:20:35
DOK2 2022-12-8 14:33:48 睇完辦有少少想訂

30歲(後追) 2022-12-8 15:09:54

速龍肥婆 2022-12-8 15:16:42 活 香港都要一個
Thisistheway 2022-12-8 15:26:42 10號是tomorrow?

得groot就開showcase咁少 開多幾隻啦
Thisistheway 2022-12-8 15:32:29 Fans will be able to get up close to the sophisticatedly crafted 1/6th scale collectible figures that are displayed in Singapore for the first time, along with the adorable Cosbaby, and be able to pre-order Iron Man 2 1/6 scale Neon Tech Iron Man with Suit-Up Gantry.


30歲(後追) 2022-12-8 15:46:26 即係都係其他地方展過哂既舊板
天体戦士 2022-12-8 16:12:55 依然無46
蟹貨王陳浩斌 2022-12-8 16:23:37 今日冇野派?
黃昏螺絲粉 2022-12-8 16:37:36 AOTC
TheBatman 2022-12-8 16:42:14 agger

非禮蜜洞 2022-12-8 16:50:39 等flash上
30歲(後追) 2022-12-8 17:09:01
閃亮新世界 2022-12-8 17:09:07

非禮蜜洞 2022-12-8 17:09:26

YoonA 2022-12-8 17:10:07 Wow 正呀


陳紫萱老公 2022-12-8 17:14:39 今次破產都搞唔掂
我只想食花生 2022-12-8 17:16:09 聽日就開晒兩隻啦
Thisistheway 2022-12-8 17:16:50 Wtf
唔好讚我 2022-12-8 17:17:44 俾錢你 快啲強姦我