[歐美H game]推介(7)
赤色之瞳 2022-12-5 08:17:06 呢個檔期點睇都係最快等埋聖誕果時先更


日夜鍛煉去取勝 2022-12-5 08:52:10 個濕鳩聖誕節event幾時完
赤色之瞳 2022-12-5 08:56:18 上次都大把女未整入去一年之後女更多,點睇今年都未完到
稼軒 2022-12-5 09:51:33 依個作者鍾意整一半唔整埋個尾,就整另一隻game,唔識點埋尾
赤色之瞳 2022-12-5 14:11:47 Phoenixes更新
梟神 2022-12-6 22:33:56 Huge DIK ($25+): Friday, December 16th
赤色之瞳 2022-12-7 00:56:33
赤色之瞳 2022-12-7 00:56:43
樹窿人 2022-12-9 13:29:43 正,想問出處
111歲(非洲土著) 2022-12-9 13:39:40 Eternum
樹窿人 2022-12-9 15:02:54 感激


石動惣一 2022-12-9 16:20:17 My real desire update啦

赤色之瞳 2022-12-9 22:46:08 my bully is my lover同hard to love更新
赤色之瞳 2022-12-10 15:37:37

111歲(非洲土著) 2022-12-10 15:48:50
赤色之瞳 2022-12-10 15:56:20 Deviant Anomalies 0.9 Release Announcement
TIER 1 (HK,WM) - 18th DEC



赤色之瞳 2022-12-10 16:15:21 Become a rockstar,信住先

Hey guys. Latest news here. So, all the work with the text and dialogues is finished. For a few days now, I've been putting everything together. Writing code, making transitions between scenes, etc. Basically, the whole game is almost ready. But, as usual, there were some problems.

Once again, I scolded myself for the early versions. I made the choice to ignore Nicole, which caused me to have to do two versions of scenes involving her throughout the game. Where she is and where she isn't. Not that it's hard, but it's time-consuming. Especially in updates where she's present a lot.

Next, I realized I screwed up the epilogues. I made 6 of them when I should have made 7. And that's a problem for one of the endings. On average, I have 60 renders and about 200 lines of text in one epilogue. But since making a new epilogue would take extra time, I decided, to release the update without that epilogue. Within a few weeks of release, I'll be adding a new version of the game with this epilogue. And maybe a few more minor additions, like a couple of extra animations, a small ending expansion.

Music. This is a big problem with my game. It's weird that in a game about rock band, there are no songs with lyrics. Ideally, I wanted to pick up a cool song with female vocals for the final event, but I just don't have time for it. The thing is, I really don't know much about licenses and copyright etc. I used to buy my tunes directly from composers. But when it comes to songs with lyrics, there is a different approach. You have to go to special sites with catalogs and choose special licenses, etc. So I need to figure it out. I hope I will do it soon. Most likely, I will implement it fully on the Steam version.

Okay, let's go to the numbers. I have 3030 renders, almost 13k lines of text/code/dialogs. And only 10 animations.

Here are my plans. I think I'll take another day or two to finish the code. Then I will have to spend a few days looking for issues in the script, inaccuracies in the dialogues and so on. Next I will do the translation. Since there's a lot of text, it's going to be quite a task. Maybe I can do it in a week? Don't know. Then there will be proofreading. During which I will try to finish the remaining animations.
So, on the one hand, it's almost finished. On the other hand... Well, there's still a lot to do. The last stages of development always suck the most. But the result is usually worth it.

Uhh... That's a lot of text today. I hope I didn't bore you too much.

In any case, thank you all for your support. Take care.

赤色之瞳 2022-12-10 16:17:33 agent17,渣架香港人日日都12個鐘以上

Good News:
DEV quit his job to focus only on this game from January.
Bad News:
He is having bad time in his workplace (working Japan-style 12+ hours a day) so v19 will be delayed. Probably to January.
定春_ 2022-12-10 19:38:03 想問下有無類似fresh women既驚? steam玩完幾開心

對上一次玩h game 仲係零年小學雞玩網頁 flash
赤色之瞳 2022-12-10 20:46:03 我發覺個個都係發雞盲整好哂都唔睇第一頁
蛇王食支煙 2022-12-10 20:46:03 咩驚


赤色之瞳 2022-12-10 20:46:29 mythic manor
蛇王食支煙 2022-12-10 20:46:49 等名等睇又delay
蛇王食支煙 2022-12-10 20:47:51 完全認唔出
赤色之瞳 2022-12-10 20:51:37 所以咪話個樣好似唔同左囉