[歐美H game]推介(7)
蛇王食支煙 2023-3-27 18:14:25 Pale carnations 4月頭更新


赤色之瞳 2023-3-27 18:20:34 終於有更新

蛇王食支煙 2023-3-27 18:21:28 一半Club events 一半Mina
石動惣一 2023-3-27 18:29:16 4月
赤色之瞳 2023-3-27 18:32:26 3月淡季左成個月4月又一次過堆哂出黎
宗仔 2023-3-27 18:45:35 netoria tactics
赤色之瞳 2023-3-27 19:18:42 New Horizon個作者疑似同mayfly一樣係大陸人
赤色之瞳 2023-3-27 19:21:05 下個版本有中文
灰燼執行官 2023-3-27 19:26:18 有冇上山下鄉題材 h game
赤色之瞳 2023-3-27 19:35:56 有佢地都唔會整,起碼佢地仲係肉身係牆內

不過呢幾年多左好多呢種大陸人整既game/CG CAP圖,game都係流傳係貼吧果堆只有佢地自己人自知既地方流唔到出去國外,而CAP圖多數你可以係exhentai果類網見到
赤色之瞳 2023-3-27 19:36:47 而且部份既模同劇情都係幾高汁下,不過流唔出去國外冇咩人知咁解


蛇王食支煙 2023-3-28 01:08:44 城市人走入農村就有
AinaTheEnd 2023-3-29 02:39:54 dl左個隻cure my addiction
赤色之瞳 2023-3-29 03:32:05 最唔鍾意呢種sandbox煩到嘔
AinaTheEnd 2023-3-29 07:36:57 睇攻略都勁多任
赤色之瞳 2023-3-29 16:18:43 subverse更新,有得屌女獵人
赤色之瞳 2023-3-29 19:04:32 角色對話時候動作唔連貫禁一下就飛左去第個動作,係得呢次女獵人先係咁
赤色之瞳 2023-4-1 04:00:20 love season更新
赤色之瞳 2023-4-1 12:23:06 f95個界面改左版,依家果個唔好睇
赤色之瞳 2023-4-1 13:45:47 The Road Ahead
My initial plan was for Love Season to have 12 chapters total, but I'll be ending the main story a little sooner. Love Season will end now in its massive 10th chapter, which I believe will give it a better ending while still allowing me to expand it in the future. After that, I'll restart my work on Black Door.

赤色之瞳 2023-4-1 15:01:57 早幾章仲係延伸緊個故事帶左古代未來科技出黎到今章就落雨收柴趕收尾



赤色之瞳 2023-4-1 20:43:14 eternum 0.6

蛇王食支煙 2023-4-1 20:45:15
111歲(歐皇回歸) 2023-4-1 20:45:34 屌你老母
赤色之瞳 2023-4-2 00:21:43 pale carnation已出,我估起碼要幾日先有流出

-2,069 static images
-63 animations
-54,657 words
- 6 new musical tracks
- Significant club content featuring 4 branching scenes depending on who lost week 2’s exhibition. Unlocking one will unlock the other 3 in the scene replay gallery for those who don’t want to go through the pain in the ass of manipulating an entire week’s worth of choices.
- Significant Mina content, with branches of varying lengths depending on whether you rejected/she cheated on Ian, as well as your relationship status with Hana.