[歐美H game]推介(7)
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:45:26 element174
Hey patrons! It's Knotty here with another update of what's been new. Work is still coming along on Day 16 (v0.23). Most of the scenes have been written now and the renders for some of them complete. It's looking to be another large content update with 50% more scenes than the average update. This is due to the arrival of the subroute scenes, so if you're interested in content featuring the MC and 2 girls, this is where things start kicking off!

Other than the latest update, some small news for Steam is also around the corner. Steam trading cards and badges will be available in the next few weeks as well. So for those of you who purchased the retail version, expect to see those soon!

That's all for now and just checking in to say that the next update is coming slowly but surely. I'll post again once v0.23 is around the corner. Until then!


赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:51:52 hard to love
0.05 news


So, the game's getting there, I'm like 95% done (rendering)!

I had to delay it a bit, but it's all good now. Originally, I was gonna release an update with around 300 images and no animations, but I ran into a problem with the 3D assets. They got lost/corrupted on the hard disk, and I had to start over.

But I figured, if I'm starting over, I might as well just do the whole chapter. That's why it took a bit longer, but now it's all set with 700+ images and 9 animations!

Plus, with the new Update, there will be a new client. You will have the old client for version 0.1 -0.4 and the new client will have 0.5 and so on. In the new client, you will have to choose your name again and also choose which decisions you made in the previous chapters (only key events, though). This is due to me messing around with some variables of the coding… I’m sorry :3

赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:55:51 how to fix the future,真係慘

Hi everyone.

Finished polishing the first two scenes and sent them to the translator. But he has like 2 hours of power per day now, so translations will take longer to make. I hope it won't affect the overall dev process, as I tend to finish coding all scenes before posing the last one. So that he had more time.

My main focus still remains on posing and rendering. As I said in the previous dev update, the scenes I'm working on right now are tricky and heavy. But necessary. Every time I have to add more than two characters in the scene, the nightmare begins) Total numbers: 631 renders & 18 animations.

Next week I plan to finish coding and polishing the 3rd scene and continue posing. I have two big scenes left to make. It's about 200-300 renders and at least 5 animations. I have big plans for the last scene, and I hope it'll be the best I ever made.

I've also decided on a title for this update. Chapter 2, Part One gonna be called "Earth meets the Moon".

Sorry, there wasn't a new preview this week. I just didn't want to distract from the main work to do postwork for raw renders. And I don't want to post unfinished art.

The same for the wallpaper and special renders. Due to limited time with power, I try to focus on the main thing. But I promise I'll work on them tomorrow.

I also decided I'll add a few patreon special renders to the game. Some of them will still remain exclusive to patrons tho. So from now on, any special render I make may appear in the game eventually.

Have a nice weekend and stay safe!

赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 01:00:16
蛇王食支煙 2023-1-30 05:20:19 屌有無咁誇,我要mark 低先
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 09:10:26 佢模對比起一線果堆hs 仲有一段距離,重點係劇情


車厘龜01 2023-1-30 12:14:01 Straitened times幾好玩,似man of the house,但係模好啲,特別阿媽,但workload都大
修復者 2023-1-30 17:09:09 Pale carnations係繼Eternum之後嘅驚喜對我黎講,重咸得黎殘酷,殘酷得黎多哲理,至於啲女竟然仲正,未玩之前我覺得Nancy同Heart problems個阿媽係最正,依家係確定左Hana應該排第一,係個類廿歲但個樣似15,6個隻可愛細粒又有波嘅天花板,Mina都係同一類都好正但吸引力稍輸佢少少,有冇game有女似Hana個隻model
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 17:20:42 都係mina同hana之爭架啦

修復者 2023-1-30 18:02:18 Mina就係差在個樣太乖同埋我唔好金髮同鬼妹樣,Hana日本妹表面蒲妹樣又冇咩經驗對個啲野笨拙,就係妖情咁款,依隻類型應該係全世界最大基數男人中意,同埋歐美game啲鬼妹樣多數都唔岩口味,又唔中意大大份個啲,去到有依類型一係好似卡通二次元咁假先有一係就好似Annie咁冇波,係依類型搵唔到人之下未覺得Nancy暫時係第一,純覺得索個樣夠後生唔係因為阿媽身份
石動惣一 2023-1-30 18:07:08 Mina同Hana兩個save玩左我兩日


赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 18:15:48 兩個路線暫時都冇相衝點解要分,反正都係結局先分線簡人,仲有疑似3p線
石動惣一 2023-1-30 18:17:52 因為一個試下溝埋其他人,一個專一save。
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 18:19:47 搞咁多野好似bad咁一分二二分四麻撚煩
石動惣一 2023-1-30 18:58:34 暫時係無咩分別
修復者 2023-1-31 18:16:18 好似當你係佢面前認左同約Hana佢就會話唔介意3個一齊,全game最想飛走得1個就係個高大肌肉雀斑女比佢霸左唔少戲份
赤色之瞳 2023-1-31 18:18:09 個人口味問題啦,我記得f95都有唔少人鍾意但無另外兩個咁多
修復者 2023-1-31 18:26:36 明白佢唔想所有都同一類型,但外國人真係好中意雀斑,依個仲要身上都有,咁偏門類型如果有得比你揀可以唔再見到佢唔係好啲咩
赤色之瞳 2023-1-31 18:30:42 鬼佬認為有雀斑係後生年青既表現,如果雀斑唔太嚴重我都ok,但我麻麻地筋肉人
蛇王食支煙 2023-1-31 18:37:45
蛇王食支煙 2023-1-31 18:41:09 點唔見到,三條女都係劇情一部分嚟,會影響間club嘅走向


修復者 2023-1-31 20:13:49 應該話就算要出佢都唔好係3條女入面
修復者 2023-1-31 20:15:42 依個真,雖然唔知幾時開始興依啲類型,但到今日都接受唔到肌肉女,好似屌緊男人
蛇王食支煙 2023-1-31 21:46:42 你要拓寬下性癖


修復者 2023-1-31 22:24:08 你睇樓主玩左咁耐都接受唔到更加唔好講我依啲新人

或暫衰啲講Eternum CHANG條肌肉女都好過佢