[歐美H game]推介(7)
赤色之瞳 2023-1-29 00:26:47 等你再過多十年再講呢句野,如果有game整到秒5/clannad/鳥之詩咁我驚我玩唔到落去


蛇王食支煙 2023-1-29 01:21:14 其實係因為隻驚優點太多要讚已經讚夠,所以我都係搵野嚟彈,總體依然係我心目中數一數二正嘅驚

Eternum始終算偏輕鬆系嘅驚,一兩個位出事我可以呃自己係喜劇效果,但如果發生係BaD呢類好Focus 人物性格嘅寫實系到就真係災難


蛇王食支煙 2023-1-29 01:25:18
福田ルミカ 2023-1-29 01:51:04 其實係唔係歐美GAME唔會有RAPE, 脅迫既劇情

赤色之瞳 2023-1-29 02:40:06 最近果個都只係磨過下
赤色之瞳 2023-1-29 02:41:32 睇你玩既類型有冇,我無玩開果類但應該都係NTR類既入面

綠川花 2023-1-29 03:01:49 我依家有玩緊隻叫raptus,隻game以暴力同rape為主,仲有隻叫the tyrant abandoned咗,不過都有唔少content玩

歐美唔係冇rape或者脅迫既劇情,你search corruption 應該會有
福田ルミカ 2023-1-29 03:18:37 黃毛
赤色之瞳 2023-1-29 17:19:30 之前因為縮圖麻麻所以冇玩到,依家先知差D走左寶


赤色之瞳 2023-1-29 17:23:03 pale carnation
Deviant Anomalies
Waifu academy
赤色之瞳 2023-1-29 18:23:06 與其話呢個係corruption故事不如話係純愛,mc做既所有野都係為左補償前世既遺憾


灰燼執行官 2023-1-29 19:01:30 本身係見倒corruption而玩,結果越玩越覺得講緊自己,跟住d choice都想轉揀純愛
赤色之瞳 2023-1-29 19:06:05 全程見住mc修補家人關係,搵返昨日友誼,追求夢想情人,完全同corrupt拉唔上關係根本係純愛故事起錯標題
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:10:33 radiant,聽住先

Radiant CH5: Progress Report #3

Hey again everyone! I've recently updated the tracker to reflect the state of our progress, and this is the biggest one yet... as we've nearly completed the next 7 scenes, and it won't be long before we knock out the next few as well. Additionally, now that we're nearing completion, I was able to predict that the chapter will be approximately 19-20 scenes long, and I've updated the tracker to reflect that.

While this does mean that Chapter 5 is a bit shorter than the last two, the good news is that we only have approximately 7-8 more scenes to completion, and we're still on track to release in late February!

As you can see by the above previews, we're meeting a new (but important) female character! Who is this peculiar looking girl, and why the mysterious sunglasses? Perhaps her role in the story has something to do with one of the career aspirations of the triplets..? We also get a rather intense visit from our employee, Mira, whom I cannot confirm nor deny is up to something.

I would've liked to post more previews for you guys, but the others would be a bit too spoilery, so we'll have to leave it at that for now.

A quick apology for taking a while to post this one: not only did we have the holidays recently, but I've been dealing with quite a few difficult personal matters and decided to use my time wisely and focus my energy on just getting work done. That said, I'm about to post this month's wallpapers (they're spicy!): sorry they're coming so late in the month, and thanks for being so patient with us.

I love you all!

赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:13:02 freeloading family終於上左abandoned tag
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:17:53 savior

Version 0.13 Final Progress Report!

Hey guys! We are here with the last progress report for Version 0.13. As of today, %90 of the renders are ready. The remaining %10 will be done in a day. That leaves us with animations. We are planning to finish all the planned animations in a week but if by any chance we can't finish them in time, we are going to leave a few of them until the initial release is ready.

This version will not have many main storyline elements since our focus was Alternative Olivia. On the other hand, a few scenes will give you an idea of what's about to come with the next two versions of Savior. Both those versions will be about rescuing Alternative Vanessa and Daisy from the other world. We don't want to give any details about those versions yet. Well, we can say that there will be more action, more creative use of Mc's powers, and a little different type of sexual content, which will be avoidable.

Our plan to release this version before this month ends is still the same. We work at least 10 hours a day in order to finish this version on time. The only issue we might run into can be animation renders. But like we said, we might leave some of them for the initial release.

I guess that's all for now. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via our Patreon or Discord channel. Until we talk again, take care of yourself and enjoy life!
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:23:32 false hero繼續重做

New side images, events and more.

Hi! As some of you noticed I paused the billing cycle last month because I didn't have time to finish the update on time. As a result I felt a bit less guilty about my constant delays and had time to think about the state of the game.😅 I noticed that my game didn't age well while I was a slow turtle and now it needs some serious polishing. So this month I was mostly doing just that. Improving old content. I had time to work on the new events too, but I stopped doing Melanie/Tiffany content for now.

One more news is that I will definitely pause the billing cycle of the next month too because I won't be able to release the update this month for sure. I will try to finish the polishing stuff as fast as possible though ;)

So here what was I doing this month:

1) I improved and changed all of my 3d models. You can take a look at how they looked and how they look now. Full body pictures you can find in discord! ;)
2) I was working on some little changes in the old content. Like for example I will add new locations and stuff.

3) I was working on the new events for Lucy and Kate.

4) I updated how new side images will look like in the game.

It will be a big change, so let's talk about it more in detail.
As you remember I decided that side images would be a big part of my game and will help me make the game faster. But I wasn't satisfied with that phrasing. I don't want to do side images because it would be faster! What a pathetic thing to do. So I made such side images so that I would WANT to make the game with them! Here are some examples which I would obviously use in the game in the future.
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:27:02 demon boy

Hey Guys,
Just a quick weekly here. Working full-time throughout this week, I can see with high confidence that the new Chapter will be released either next Friday or the Monday after that.
Hope you're all excited!
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:28:34
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:30:27 ripples
Hello, Patrons!

I hope you are all doing well. It's been snowy here and cold lately. But in positive news, we passed 9k users in the discord server. Which is crazy to me that 9k people have played this visual novel, and I'm sure the number is a lot bigger than the number of people in the server. I never imagined this project to get this big. It's still crazy to me. So thanks, everyone, for playing and showing your support. It means so much to me.
I don't have that much to report this time. I've been working away on the update and have gotten a lot done since the last Patreon post. I now have over 1200+ images and 95 animations finished. So what's left to do? I need to finish up the scene I am on. Everything is done besides the animations for this scene. I have like 15 animations left to do and one more scene after that. I seem to have miscalculated how much was left to do in the progress number. It was higher than it should be. This update is a little bigger than I thought. It's already surpassed the length of episode 4. I took a couple of weeks off after the last update, and I had a bad RSV cold that took almost another two weeks off development, so I'm almost at four months of development time and would have liked to be done by now, but this update is taking longer than expected. But hopefully, it won't be that much longer, guys. I'm really excited for everyone to play it. I think it's going to be the best episode yet.
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:32:54 Deviant Anomalies條友成個月冇上水


赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:35:23 agent17今個月內發佈,progess100%翻譯30%
Staff09 2023-1-30 00:37:52
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:42:04 hail to the king一年都更新唔到一次

Monthly Dev Update for Chapter 3

Regarding to comments and feedback made by our Patrons we will post regular weekly updates on development from now on, even if they are minor updates. These minor updates will be posted on our Discord channel. Major/monthly updates and preview images will be posted here on Patreon. Here's a breakdown of the development progress for January.

1. Renders are about 70% done.

2. There are a few scenes already rendered, I still need to write the script for them.

3. Added a stats icon to the top right of the UI to easily and quickly access the stats menu.

4. Two new characters coming to Chapter 3.

5. There's a character in one of the bonus scenes appearing in Chapter 3. A preview is available in our exclusive Discord
channel available to +$10 tier patrons.

6. Artist had a great idea on improving the quality of the images. Remade some of the renders for this chapter.

7. I'm currently working on writing the script for an Evelyn scene.

8. Our King Tier Patron @Fernandious-art has been requesting very hot renders, expect a super cool gallery for the next update.

9. Madison animations are done (don't wanna spoil too much)

10. Just finished writing the script for a new scene in chapter 3. There are already some renders made for that scene.
Thank you to our new subscribers! You all make this project possible!
赤色之瞳 2023-1-30 00:42:54 唯一支持我繼續玩落去既動力得返孖妹