LIHKG [十月新番] 機動戰士高達 水星的魔女 集中討論 (14) 羅mio與茱狸葉
Francis_Bacon 2022-11-3 01:42:35


叔叔唔會怪你㗎 2022-11-3 01:53:31 邊間?
報告老師 2022-11-3 02:00:03 仲有水星醬
模型算做得唔錯, 希望到時買到 shf


滿艦飾真子 2022-11-3 02:34:47 我打死你個敗家仔
肥毒男人 2022-11-3 07:20:16
肥毒男人 2022-11-3 07:57:03
如yu 2022-11-3 08:03:42 仲等緊訂港行
斬大舊叉燒 2022-11-3 08:03:43 唔知香港鋪幾時開SHF訂
肥毒男人 2022-11-3 13:14:45 啱啱趁搭車有時間上amiami訂咗
回憶失去像碎沙 2022-11-3 13:25:14 95
回憶失去像碎沙 2022-11-3 13:25:25 榮興


報告老師 2022-11-3 13:30:24 大鋪應該現貨派前一個月開
St.plk仔 2022-11-3 13:32:08

Demi Trainers are a common sight at school; they receive regular updates and upgrades. Despite there being no change to their outward appearance, the latest iterations have vast improvements over the originals. As the members of Earth House are unable to afford the latest model Femi Trainers, they are forced to bridge the gap by customizing older models. This led to a development project called Project Chuchu, which culminated in the completion of this unit. Chuchu's Demi Trainer was optimised for hit-and-run tactics; firing its large beam rifle, then rapidly retreating. With major acceleration and deceleration improvements made primarily to its legs, the unit can start and stop on a dime. These abilities are so extreme, in fact, that they are difficult to handle for any pilot who has not undergone intense high-g training. Chuchu, a pilot who despises retreating, was not thrilled at the idea of a unit best suited for hit-and-run tactics, but has come to see that it may be Earth House's best shot at attaining victory.

叔叔唔會怪你㗎 2022-11-3 13:42:10 有咩,我琴晚去買咗盒hi nu 都唔見有
Mr_Worldwide 2022-11-3 13:42:48 第二支人棍已經有牛油炮😂
拉馬努金(YMD) 2022-11-3 13:44:12 我都唔見有風靈
斬大舊叉燒 2022-11-3 13:52:48 X2
斬大舊叉燒 2022-11-3 13:55:25
如yu 2022-11-3 14:58:30 港行開訂啦!!
叔叔唔會怪你㗎 2022-11-3 15:00:20 但更值得狗衝既RG Hi. nu就仲有少量現貨
吉祥院麗華 2022-11-3 15:42:24 呢家hi nu咩價位


拉馬努金(YMD) 2022-11-3 15:49:58 買咗
叔叔唔會怪你㗎 2022-11-3 16:10:22
DARLING(海夢) 2022-11-3 16:21:17 SHF有開訂
St.plk仔 2022-11-3 16:33:38