sadcunt 2022-11-14 22:02:35 關omron咩事。。舊時個debounce algorithm整到太低delay所以先double click,我自己買過成10隻50m switch+舊firmware嘅g pro wireless都未試過double click, 另外double click同使用環境, 靜電有關, 唔係咩都賴粒switch, 當然50m垃圾係事實,手感差得嚟粒粒都唔同聲/feel

Razer啲optical switch consistency差到仆街狗都唔用

Actually, this declared resource is just marketing. I've been doing microswitch testing for years and I can tell you this
These numbers have nothing to do with real life, actually.

All that's claimed to be 10 million or more clicks lives the same amount of time and clicks. It all rests on the mouse firmware, the hull structure and the idiocy of the user.

This declared resource is achieved under unrealistic conditions. The robot specifically presses the microswitch at an ideal angle of 90 degrees with equal force. That doesn't happen in mice. The mouse pusher always presses the microswitch at an angle, and people always press with varying degrees of force.

And dubbleckickes - in the overwhelming majority appear because of the chase of the manufacturer for a minimum delay. Reduces the filtering of rattle contacts of the microswitch. Because of this, a perfectly normal microswitch can be read as faulty even with minimal wear and tear.
My English is bad. I don't want to insult or offend anyone, I try to make my thoughts clear.

From Slimcord on reddit



sadcunt 2022-11-14 22:03:07 Finalmouse香港有行貨食乜jer炒價,不如講佢原本個價就係炒價
冬冬天 2022-11-14 23:37:47 此回覆已被刪除
濁水漂流 2022-11-15 23:50:57 無人推zowie
Tokyoto 2022-11-16 00:26:51 多制除咗G604仲有咩選擇?(6-10個制左右),604個grip 麻麻地,mx master好似幾好grip,但得太少制
XDXXD 2022-11-16 00:30:34 睇完成個post都冇人講
外國都多fps pro player用呢個
濁水漂流 2022-11-16 00:32:11 用緊FK1
sadcunt 2022-11-16 08:58:44 Click latency高,sensor implementation廢
sadcunt 2022-11-16 08:59:12 Pro用唔=好
sadcunt 2022-11-16 09:04:58 VAXEE都係垃圾嚟,基本上同Zowie一樣,好哋哋嘅sensor tune到有initial delay, 拖咗成年都冇無線,啲售後都係垃圾嚟,NP-01設計有問題左邊側裙用少少力捏會activate側鍵(佢哋自己都承認)咁咪退貨,之後等到第三定第四批再order就話唔賣俾你
XDXXD 2022-11-16 09:16:30 老實講sofar用左3年幾 咩問題都冇 手感又舒服


sadcunt 2022-11-16 09:18:49 個debouce set到8ms實乜事都冇,不過huano係穩陣過omron嘅,有可能係你要求唔高,zowie出曬名叫地攤貨,每次出新series都有問題
村上奈津実 2022-11-16 09:36:47
da v3 pro路過
飛甩雞毛 2022-11-16 09:57:38 打緊果陣個click先大影響
sadcunt 2022-11-16 10:18:55 真,個click硬得濟/手感差點spam
Tokyoto 2022-11-18 10:44:22 呢隻係咪好重?同G604比邊隻好
AnthonyL 2022-11-18 11:43:50 我覺得OK,果個配重可以除低,就冇咁重,仲要睇下你玩乜游戲,G604就冇用過,但G903已經用第二隻
色魔軒 2022-11-18 11:47:42 此回覆已被刪除
sadcunt 2022-11-18 12:03:35 重到仆街,打機一定唔會買,除非你打機當健身,啲人買嚟都係當文書mouse多,G604個shape揸落會舒服啲嘅,深水埗間2000fun有幾十隻mouse可以試,經過咪去揸下
神仙(B) 2022-11-18 12:08:19 兩個都用過 g pro好多人鐘意用,但我自己鐘意viper多啲
麥樂雞餐 2022-11-18 12:15:17 有冇用gpx 轉咗viper v2 / death adder v3嘅巴打


Valkyrja 2022-11-18 12:21:21 用緊superlight(換左switch), mm731, fantech aria xd7
superlight換左switch同換埋skate之後非常好用, 易控, click snappy
第一次用xd7 呢種claw grip, 原來都好啱打fps, 不過電量<40個鐘, 同埋原裝skate竟然湖過虎符skate,呢個真係估佢唔到
sadcunt 2022-11-18 12:32:06 G Pro個屁股其實係最差嘅設計, clawgrip的話同心手個接觸面好細,好容易跣手,佢目的想整到隻mouse俾到所有人用+所有grip style都用到但事與願違

Viper個shape係舒服過G Pro, 但垃圾coating垃圾click, 對好多人嚟講都太闊太長,個個都等viper mini
sadcunt 2022-11-18 12:35:13 不了,等第3代G Pro好過,準備出

除非你想試4000Hz, 但你粒cpu同usb controller要handle到,否則會唔穩定,另外高Hz mon用落個分別會更明顯
宇宙膠人 2022-11-18 15:49:58 我Amazon 買咁隻有線 us$19.99