LIHKG [Chasing 2輪] New Orleans Pelicans 討論區 # 28
長命鎖 2022-10-22 19:21:04 單講上季對手point in paint 水鳥排第9,對手籃板數排第3. 而對手3分命中率排26.你想單防到ayton, bam,你要用返同等級球員,2隻都頂薪黎,jv先15m
同上季對ayton jv搶板有啲優勢,今季加埋更成熟既herb, bi, tm3 協防,又有Nance backup,呢個內線無咩好擔心.


勁b(Nola) 2022-10-22 19:44:15 第一場po
Jv 個油頭肥佬啲finishing 差到
Smurfs 2022-10-22 19:46:28 講真
勁b(Nola) 2022-10-22 19:51:50 第一年po就 2輪,咁今年要final先收貨

長命鎖 2022-10-22 19:56:08 我今季希望係完季zion仲企到係到
長命鎖 2022-10-22 20:02:47 第一場JV 25板,但好驚ayton咁
仲有最尾嗰場最後jose 比cp3 打但吹佢,唔係有機cup,但公道講,書人無傷既話2隊係有差距
深水歩驚雲 2022-10-22 20:09:49 印象中JV肯上嘅時候其實同Ayton可以互爆到 不過縛手縛腳咗兩場
長命鎖 2022-10-22 20:21:09 又到吹奏herb 時間,原來佢係睇Tony Allen 同啞學防守仲有NFL學cover同read play

College 開始已經為佢glue guy角色鋪路,越黎越迷佢

Herbert Jones: I watched a ton of Tony Allen and some of Kawhi Leonard. I think my defense and how I see the game is something where I’ve tried to watch safeties in the NFL. Ed Reed and Kam Chancellor, who was long and covered so much ground. I just tried to figure out how they were able to read and react to plays on that side of the field. I felt like if I could take pieces from their mentality, then I could roam around on the basketball court fairly easily.
是無話不說 2022-10-22 20:22:51 希望啦 , 上年比ayton mcgee 打到有陰影
Smurfs 2022-10-22 20:29:21 懷疑green比左新task佢
Smurfs 2022-10-22 20:30:06 下星期六睇下


是無話不說 2022-10-22 20:35:46 嚟緊四場都好硬 希望嗰時唔係連敗緊
Smurfs 2022-10-22 20:45:17 主場打Utah唔算硬喇
勁b(Nola) 2022-10-22 20:55:46 係有啲啞feel
Dybala 2022-10-22 21:12:45 第3年跟b 學mid range
Smurfs 2022-10-23 01:28:07
Smurfs 2022-10-23 01:28:49 The Utah Jazz since trading Gobert and Mitchell:

— Undefeated
— 1st in total points
— 3rd best offensive rating
— 1st in 3-pointers
— 3rd in 3P%

While sitting on 15 first round picks.

是無話不說 2022-10-23 05:20:03 好恐怖
勁b(Nola) 2022-10-23 07:39:31 迷到咁無自信
勁b(Nola) 2022-10-23 11:51:53 甘能勁留唔住
勁b(Nola) 2022-10-23 11:53:27 迫個仔餐餐食大家樂既人