[親生仔] Google Pixel 討論區 (85) 7 | 7 Pro | Watch | Tablet(明年)
一直是一個人 2022-10-8 17:04:03 佢個版面係google store啦


Pixel首席打手HK 2022-10-8 17:04:08 你調查下點解你唔得啦
Pixel首席打手HK 2022-10-8 17:05:12 Spigen而家係certified Made For Google
卡斯柏 2022-10-8 17:05:23 喔!官網買都有錶送咩?
一直是一個人 2022-10-8 17:06:55 官網買唔駛登記直接送添
Pixel首席打手HK 2022-10-8 17:07:05 個face unlock
卡斯柏 2022-10-8 17:07:48 仆街google封晒啲集運……
Pixel首席打手HK 2022-10-8 17:09:10 5唔5g都係地鐵load空氣
紙. 2022-10-8 17:10:35 反而有需要既係volte
但都係要 root
李賢瑞公主 2022-10-8 17:15:40 此回覆已被刪除
成人銀行 2022-10-8 17:19:04 姐係部機可以照運左去香港先 到時隻錶寫個英國地扯 叫個fd幫我運翻黎都得?


一直是一個人 2022-10-8 17:22:24 理論上張單有地址

In order to complete the Claim form, the Participant must provide their full name and postal address where the GWP should be delivered and upload a proof of purchase such as a copy of the receipt or invoice from the Participating Retailer. The postal address included in the Claim form must be a residential or registered business address within the UK for delivery of the Reward. Please note that the use of forwarding companies (and similar services) for this Promotion is prohibited. Participants must also provide the IMEI1 number of the Qualifying Product (Participants may be asked to provide a photo of the IMEI1 number).
Pixel首席打手HK 2022-10-8 17:26:00 可能撞bug姐 未試過reboot
毒自打飛機 2022-10-8 17:42:53 係咪得英國先送
蕉直相對 2022-10-8 17:50:15 pixel 7 pro 試相 30x

返工飲奶 2022-10-8 17:53:39
沙煲拳頭 2022-10-8 17:58:10 淘咗幾款透明殼(共7個)同兩款水凝貼(共6張),計埋運費一舊水多啲,睇下咩料
翻龜 2022-10-8 18:00:05 用過兩次,唔會寄失
成人銀行 2022-10-8 18:02:19 宜家英德馬都落左單 唔知佢可唔可以寄唔同地方 搞到1516緊cut唔cut英馬張單
沙煲拳頭 2022-10-8 18:27:06 https://youtu.be/K-oHZ-P_soE
__冇搞錯_ 2022-10-8 18:29:37 其實我寧願好似之前P4,5 指紋喺後面解 其實仲好用


Google打手 2022-10-8 18:32:28 啱,咁後面厚少少同鏡頭平排都得
緊爽春蠅 2022-10-8 18:35:17 我反而想知佢個face unlock嘅安全性
成人銀行 2022-10-8 18:38:47 我岩岩係amazon uk cs chat個到問
個人話一定要電話同watch要同一個UK address先可以claimed到隻watch
如果部電話個shipping address係international既話就無得claimed隻watch
走漏眼 2022-10-8 18:47:08