MyLebara 2023-1-14 03:20:17 唔關銀行事

Isa 每年個20k 係roll over 定每年有20k
例: 我今年已經擺左20k
四月六日佢會比多20k quota 我定係自動將上年未withdraw 個d count 落新一年quota 度?
Thanks in advance 


貼文起了副作用 2023-1-14 04:37:29 20k 係ISA total
其中4k 可以放去Lifetime ISA (LISA),呢部分可以每年供
唔係LISA 既ISA,你第一年入左20k,第二年就冇得再加
係公廁係雞 2023-1-14 04:45:50
MyLebara 2023-1-14 05:02:16 唔該晒
得16k 好少
匈牙利王子 2023-1-14 08:27:22
周群習 2023-1-14 16:37:39
ktc 2023-1-14 19:08:30 咁我想上年放咗4000 lifetime isa 今年再放4000 lifetime isa 咁今年stock 係咪只可以12000
MyLebara 2023-1-14 21:31:44 Google transfer of isa
It won’t harm your current year isa allowance
李子維男朋友 2023-1-14 21:49:04 The Government puts a cap on how much you can put into your ISA or ISAs in any tax year (from 6 April – 5 April).

唔係指每個tax year都可以擺20k咩
合味道大丁 2023-1-14 22:10:50 係每年allowance. 唔好教錯人
貼文起了副作用 2023-1-15 00:05:50 你啱 sorry


係公廁係雞 2023-1-18 05:00:44
LeeChandler 2023-1-19 03:04:43 請教各位既打
我想join barclays 1 year 4% cash isa

我想問佢個1年期係由你join 個日開始計
定係到政府financial year
eg 今日join, FY22-23 interest 只計今日到4月5號
之後4月6 又重新計過?
結月ゆかり 2023-1-20 06:22:29 你依家開個新account
但你個ISA allowance係finanical year完左就reset
貼文起了副作用 2023-1-20 06:33:59
波魯納雷夫 2023-1-21 11:22:27
所記 2023-1-21 19:13:21
啊係係係係係 2023-1-31 08:19:29 此回覆已被刪除
貼文起了副作用 2023-1-31 16:02:10
KangGary 2023-1-31 21:27:36 https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/comments/zdhurq/algbra_1_cashback_for_a_year_stacks_with_zilch_to/
SSRI 2023-1-31 22:46:05


Haaland 2023-1-31 23:51:29
天下唯我 2023-1-31 23:57:54 Santander 出番switching offer£200, existing customer 要去分行搞,無得online?
Haaland 2023-2-1 01:01:55
天下唯我 2023-2-1 05:37:06 今次係set up direct debit, 無nationwide咁煩