財自密碼TQQQ 2022-10-4 00:46:19 Downtown 有咩好食餐廳推介


綠帽鹿角 2022-10-4 00:51:16 Akimitsu Canada
(416) 519-6794

Ramen Isshin
(647) 368-4013
我不是唐紫睿 2022-10-4 00:58:28 Salad King
(416) 593-0333

(416) 203-3093

Okonomi House Restaurant
(416) 925-6176
遊雲 2022-10-4 01:07:53 成千蚊係咪買canada goose
CNTower 2022-10-4 01:49:23 著到成隻糭咁
我真係個外賣仔 2022-10-4 01:55:39
遊雲 2022-10-4 02:05:56 返機場如果無車,一係住地鐵沿線
CNTower 2022-10-4 02:21:06 Along these routes. One single TTC fare to airport


Toronto Pearson International Airport
Travel from downtown Toronto to Pearson Airport in 45 minutes with a single TTC fare. The 192 Airport Rocket leaves from Kipling Station.
900 Airport Express This route is accessible.
All-day Airport service from Kipling Station.

The 900 Airport Express route provides all-day accessible express bus service between Kipling Station on Line 2 Bloor-Danforth and Pearson International Airport.

Buses stop only at Kipling Station, Dundas Street West and Acorn Avenue, Dundas Street West and East Mall Crescent, then Jetliner Road at Airport Road (Ground Level), then Terminal 1 (Ground Level), then Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level).
Service operates from approximately 5:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Saturday, and from approximately 8:15 a.m. to 2:15 a.m. on Sunday.
One-way travel time is approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
900 schedule leaving Pearson Airport
900 schedule leaving Kipling Station
You can also take the following routes:

52A Lawrence West This route is accessible.
All-day Airport service from Lawrence Station and Lawrence West Station.

The 52A Lawrence West route provides all-day bus service between Lawrence Station on Line 1 Yonge-University, Lawrence West Station on Line 1 and Pearson Airport.

Buses serve Jetliner Road at Airport Road (Ground Level), then Terminal 1 (Ground Level), and then Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level).
Service operates from approximately 5:30 a.m. to 1 a.m., seven days a week.
One-way travel time is approximately 90 minutes during peak periods and 70 minutes during off-peak periods.
52A schedule leaving Pearson Airport
52A schedule leaving Lawrence Station
52A schedule leaving Lawrence West Station
Fares: All service to Terminal 1 (Ground Level) and Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level) is within the Toronto fare zone, and a single fare is required. Mississauga Transit fares are not accepted at the stops in the airport.

300A Bloor-Danforth This route is accessible.
Overnight Airport service from the Bloor-Danforth corridor.

The 300A Bloor-Danforth route provides overnight bus service along Danforth Avenue and Bloor Street to Pearson Airport.

Buses serve Jetliner Road at Airport Road (Ground Level), then Terminal 1 (Ground Level), and then Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level).
Service operates from approximately 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., seven days a week.
One-way travel time from Yonge and Bloor is approximately 45 minutes.
300A schedule leaving Pearson Airport
300A schedule leaving Kennedy Station
332 Eglinton West This route is accessible.
Overnight Airport service from Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue.

The 332 Eglinton West route provides overnight bus service between Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue and Toronto Pearson International Airport.

Buses serve Jetliner Road at Airport Road (Ground Level), then Terminal 1 (Ground Level), and then Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level).
Service operates from approximately 1:30 a.m. to 5 a.m., seven days a week.
One-way travel time is approximately 45 minutes.
332 schedule leaving Pearson Airport
332 schedule leaving Eglinton Avenue at Yonge Street (West Side)
AllergicToLife 2022-10-4 02:30:23 冬天冇唔係糭。。
下巴兜兜戇撚尻尻 2022-10-4 02:39:40
我愛老母 2022-10-4 03:07:22 Survival Canada


我不是唐紫睿 2022-10-4 03:08:20
笹崎麻美我老婆 2022-10-4 03:14:23
我不是唐紫睿 2022-10-4 03:15:07
肉球潷滿:) 2022-10-4 03:34:42 白菜仔本身多泥
肉球潷滿:) 2022-10-4 03:36:13 喉糖買使立消啦 有麻痺成份
肉球潷滿:) 2022-10-4 03:39:06 買定一星期感冒藥咳藥
高町なのは 2022-10-4 04:08:12 唔好癲.......你病徵重小小唔代表人地一樣...
高町なのは 2022-10-4 04:08:51
肉球潷滿:) 2022-10-4 04:22:17 但香港藥真係平好多 藥房先0.5一粒

綠帽鹿角 2022-10-4 04:23:44 呢邊叫Cepacol 好似係一樣?


肉球潷滿:) 2022-10-4 04:24:32 好似係 我冇食過果隻 果隻仲平啲添
綠帽鹿角 2022-10-4 04:25:24 我最常買娃娃菜/細大白菜
清淡 無泥 襟擺 夠平
StraightOuttaHK 2022-10-4 04:39:17 此回覆已被刪除
我唔識撚貓 2022-10-4 04:39:55 好似overkill