綠帽鹿角 2022-10-2 11:16:31 仲有香港啲街道名牌細細個喺街側 司機好難睇清楚


CNTower 2022-10-2 11:18:42 That's why if you are the second car on the left turn lane, you should stay back at the line and wait till the first car start to make the turn and you don't move unless think you have enough time to make the turn.
Do not follow the first car to the intersection because you can get a ticket.
Also, if you are th efirst car on the left tuen lane, DO NOT turn your wheels when you move onto the intersection. Keep them straight or you amy get a ticket too.
遊雲 2022-10-2 11:19:43
15+2 2022-10-2 11:20:41
StraightOuttaHK 2022-10-2 11:21:13 此回覆已被刪除
處之泰妍 2022-10-2 11:23:45 所以左轉燈好緊要

理論上係會做獨立left turn signal
15+2 2022-10-2 11:24:00
財自密碼TQQQ 2022-10-2 11:24:10 我見HSBC都有呢隻
之前做左$5000黎keep 戶口用
問過CIBC non redeemable 只有4.25%
打升加左息做gic 咁囉
遊雲 2022-10-2 11:25:22 唔記得講,我就係HSBC做既
財自密碼TQQQ 2022-10-2 11:28:56 我知

遊雲 2022-10-2 11:30:45 係,好似呢個咁,大路有第四盞轉左燈



StraightOuttaHK 2022-10-2 11:31:55 此回覆已被刪除
財自密碼TQQQ 2022-10-2 11:35:07 唔知有冇便衣
垃圾NVIDIA 2022-10-2 11:45:34 呢啲? https://a.co/d/dnBkWTR
綠帽鹿角 2022-10-2 11:47:00 高速公路開120唔會食牛肉乾吧?
垃圾NVIDIA 2022-10-2 11:54:55 $158幾係包埋G1路試錢 淨係writing test應該$106 retake好似$16 take返fail果part, pass咗果part唔洗再take
2022-10-2 12:06:39 真係啱啱先知 個個都係咁做

GoneG 2022-10-2 12:11:39 USD 定期有無邊間推薦?
我不是唐紫睿 2022-10-2 12:13:43 1. 佢隊支槍出黎先會抄,本身架警車唔會自帶speed cam。你呢個case其實啲大貨車都可能遮住咗你,警察都睇你唔到。

120未必會食ticket, 不過都要睇係咪月尾,個警察係咪要追quota

2. 會。唔係便衣,只係架車上面police個字好難睇到(黑色車就深灰色字,白色車就淺灰色字)

rule of thumb係你喺hwy (especially 407), 見到身邊啲車個個都慢哂落黎,就唔好on9繼續衝
我不是唐紫睿 2022-10-2 12:15:34 睇你揸邊條
404, 400, 427呢啲機會少啲,因為本身speed limit都100
DVP speed limit 90, 所以120炒既機會就大啲
CNTower 2022-10-2 12:27:10 If you are the first car and turned your wheel. If the car behind hit you, then you will be pushed onto opposite traffic. You will be charged with careless driving.

What counts as careless driving in Ontario?
Careless driving tickets can be issued for bad habits that are pretty commonplace on the road, which can confuse people further. We all have people in our lives who do one or two of these things on this list:

A collision with another vehicle.
Tailgating and/or rear-ending another vehicle.
Passing another vehicle in an aggressive manner.
Failing to yield to pedestrians on a crosswalk.
Eating or drinking while driving.
Putting on makeup while driving.
Failing to yield to the right of way of another vehicle.

Overtaking and forcing your way into a line of vehicles waiting to turn or exit.


我係真絲啊 2022-10-2 12:44:10 你上幾多次左右
2022-10-2 12:47:00 學到野

綠帽鹿角 2022-10-2 12:48:04 Speed limit 100 km/h
100 = 阻礙交通
110 = 請行慢線
120 = 正常
130 = 偏快
140 = 適合帶頭
150+ = 超速
遊雲 2022-10-2 12:48:04 呢d我估因人而異