[I want everything 3週年] F1 2022 星加坡站 討論區
將軍澳巴打 2022-9-28 19:23:53 四萬肯去客串下都好


好搞唔搞搞搞震 2022-9-28 19:24:10 唔好啦
Canvyyy 2022-9-28 19:24:53 Update 返, 應該係BLM野


清師兄 2022-9-28 19:41:00 Max呢場要拉開幾多分先提早封冠?
對倒 2022-9-28 19:47:17 To be World Champion in Singapore, #Verstappen needs to extend his lead on LEC with 22 points and PER with 13 points.

Possible scenarios:
- VER P1+FL, LEC <= P8, PER <= P4
- VER P1, LEC <= P9+FL, PER <= P4
對倒 2022-9-28 19:49:35
至愚至樂 2022-9-28 19:51:21 呢隊Project 91 係專請世界約車手去試跑一場NASCAR
至愚至樂 2022-9-28 19:52:07

After his premature exit from McLaren, no one really knows where Daniel Ricciardo is going to end up in 2023. But the Aussie has at least one offer on the table!

According to the Herald Sun, Ricciardo has been approached by Justin Marks, boss of the Project 91 NASCAR team.

After racing with Kimi Raikkonen at Watkins Glenn in August, the team are looking to give opportunities to other F1 drivers. Some of them were even fighting on Twitter to see who should get a go next!
呢隊Project 91 係專請世界級車手去試跑一場NASCAR
Taiji 2022-9-28 19:54:46 應該可以同時進行?
肥婆咸 2022-9-28 20:04:18 我知

好搞唔搞搞搞震 2022-9-28 20:18:00 日本封王


Allornothing 2022-9-28 20:27:06 官宣Honda is back
poom 2022-9-28 20:27:28 叻唔dnf唔會新加坡完啦
Canvyyy 2022-9-28 20:29:45 老麥有牛奶限定嘅upgrade



Lando沒練習太耐 2022-9-28 20:40:30 拉利絕對唔會比呢件事發生,所以叻今場應該dnf
走得魔 2022-9-28 20:41:04 未暖好胎開DRS會唔會變左瘋狂打保齡
poom 2022-9-28 20:42:57 叻dnf嘅話主席要p4+fl唔難嘅
浴缸裡的貓 2022-9-28 20:52:13 到時loop 到2121年都會仲講緊Max 主動跳起架車用後碌殺狗(講到好似有得撳掣起跳咁)
DanielAvocado 2022-9-28 20:53:04 好難講

poom 2022-9-28 20:57:34 冇halo bottas wdc咗
りんご 2022-9-28 21:09:52 https://twitter.com/fone__2012/status/1575045145317212160


平井毛毛 2022-9-28 21:10:21 旨意垃利唔搞事
不如祈求主席街場上力 上到podium 甚至贏埋
至愚至樂 2022-9-28 21:14:25 [Citation needed]
大毛畏 2022-9-28 21:33:09 又係RB SIDE PORT
巴丁尼利 2022-9-28 21:51:09 Fisi 3>1
Trulli monaco pole