AMD討論POST(73) 睇#1(Updating ) &有時間幫手填資料
宇宙膠人 2022-10-19 03:02:28 你搞少佢一陣好唔好


琴吹七瀨 2022-10-19 03:50:28 係咪話DDR5而家有on-chip ECC?
•加藤恵• 2022-10-19 10:37:20 呢個on chip唔同傳統個個ECC, 佢只確保d data係條ram上面唔會錯, 同真ECC仲有大距離
AthlonXP2000+ 2022-10-19 12:37:49
CL9528 2022-10-19 14:19:13
我不是一個人。 2022-10-19 15:21:55 邊有平卡
Jacksjoke 2022-10-19 19:47:05
ミコちゃん 2022-10-19 22:35:10 好心佢就set做default啦
CL9528 2022-10-19 23:58:45 屌呀?

AxeHon 2022-10-20 11:58:43 Core 2 搞咩??
CL9528 2022-10-20 12:06:00 真心唔知咩事

而家 RAM 行緊 Auto


ENELOOP 2022-10-20 12:43:56 你套野成功走到未
新假期打手 2022-10-20 19:48:16 我真係恭喜曬
CL9528 2022-10-20 21:40:44 我想問下行 y-Cruncher,跑到某一粒 core 會黑 mon 重開,係代表嗰粒 core negative 得太多,定係其他 core 有問題

因為有啲 core 唔得就會有 error log,冇 log 黑 mon 又等唔等於嗰個 core 有問題

20:28:50 - Set to Core 3 (CPU 6)
                 + Setting the affinity to 64
                 + Successfully set the affinity to 64
           Running for 10 minutes (Auto-Mode)...
                 + 20:29:00 - checking CPU usage: 0%
                 + 20:29:00 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
                 + Process Id: 13880
                 + 20:29:00 - checking CPU usage again (#1): 0%
                 +            still not enough usage (#1)
                 + 20:29:00 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
                 + Process Id: 13880
                 + 20:29:00 - checking CPU usage again (#2): 0%
                 +            still not enough usage (#2)
                 + 20:29:00 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
                 + Process Id: 13880
                 + 20:29:00 - checking CPU usage again (#3): 0%
                 +            still not enough usage, throw an error
                 + There has been an error with the stress test program!
                 + Error type: CPULOAD
ERROR: 20:29:15
ERROR: y-Cruncher seems to have stopped with an error!
ERROR: At Core 3 (CPU 6)
ERROR MESSAGE: The y-Cruncher process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0% instead of the expected 3.12%)
                 + The stress test program is y-Cruncher, no detailed error detection available
                 + There has been some error in Test-ProcessUsage, checking (#1)
                 + Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
                 + Trying to close the stress test program
                 + Trying to close y-Cruncher
                 + Trying to gracefully close y-Cruncher
                 + y-Cruncher closed
Jacksjoke 2022-10-20 21:50:18 應該都係Zen3咁 ccd0體質好過ccd1
CL9528 2022-10-20 21:58:48 我屌係因為有新版 CoreCycler


新假期打手 2022-10-20 22:05:34 ccd 0 好過ccd1好似係kind of 大家都認同
CL9528 2022-10-20 22:07:34 仲有咩更新

都 support Zen 4
新假期打手 2022-10-20 22:17:04 應該到7950x3d出就會開始清晰點玩
都是你的錯 2022-10-20 22:21:59 5800x3d 打機成90度
Jacksjoke 2022-10-20 22:22:41 唔使理


O7 2022-10-20 22:31:10 淨係打機都咁
咁做d cpu intensive task ge 應該會thermal throttle?
都是你的錯 2022-10-20 22:54:14 降頻到1.2v 之後穩定83-85左右

Jacksjoke 2022-10-20 23:06:51 初代X3D係熱D

下代zen4 x3d 比埋thermal limit
@不了@ 2022-10-20 23:25:41 7000個蓋咁厚