豬油撈飯(NQ) 2022-9-28 13:34:10 選擇困難症 yamaha 定ath


做遊戲開發冇前途 2022-9-28 13:34:51

Audio Technica needs a new line of headphones or a refresh, new designs aren't going to cut it, and honestly their older or even newer stuff isn't "iconic" enough to warrant any real hype from new designs. Even if they're using new drivers and a pretty cool changing cup design, it's just not enough. Maybe it's different in Japan, but with Sennheiser, beyerdynamic, akg, and so on releasing new models alongside the ever increasing competitiveness of Chinese brands and other brands they are beginning to become old news.

I've been on this sub for a few years and can't think of any real hype or interest in audio Technica products.

The m50x was hot stuff because a few tech channels lauded them as a better alternative to the popular beats at the time, but they e fallen behind everyone else

Their can jam booth was just old stuff afaik, Shure is in the same spot with needing a refresh but atleast they're releasing updates to some of their headphones and continue to make new anc stuff.

Maybe they need a drop Collab or something.
Fun 2022-9-28 13:35:08 舊咋,W系無出過用58mm


做遊戲開發冇前途 2022-9-28 13:35:45 yamaha new tech wo
nokia安全套 2022-9-28 13:36:03 姐係用L系隻58
豬油撈飯(NQ) 2022-9-28 13:40:28 yamaha 無限量 可以遲d買
豬油撈飯(NQ) 2022-9-28 13:41:18 希望唔好貴到L5000級數
darkcl 2022-9-28 13:45:59 個樣唔岩我口味....好彩
Fun 2022-9-28 13:47:46 唔同,L5K單元唔同adx5K

豬油撈飯(NQ) 2022-9-28 13:50:19 如果係咁 等yamaha好過
nokia安全套 2022-9-28 13:52:29 得50隻真係唔洗買


做遊戲開發冇前途 2022-9-28 13:53:54 60th
60 ~ 160 ~ 600
豬油撈飯(NQ) 2022-9-28 13:54:09 L5000 全球限量500隻
做遊戲開發冇前途 2022-9-28 13:54:57 60th = 600隻
冇你咁好氣 2022-9-28 13:55:41 =貴到傻
言念君子 2022-9-28 13:56:22 如果係l5k底 加埋烤漆蒔繪都係多一皮
豬油撈飯(NQ) 2022-9-28 13:57:39 $45000
nokia安全套 2022-9-28 13:58:16 40k唔貴

我係打手 2022-9-28 14:06:07 adi2 dac
我係打手 2022-9-28 14:06:42 咁又好似幾得意
我係打手 2022-9-28 14:09:20 不打了


我係打手 2022-9-28 14:10:45

小爾 2022-9-28 14:11:11 佢有講係バッフル一体型の新開発58mmドライバー
nokia安全套 2022-9-28 14:14:08 會係adx5K再改?
做遊戲開發冇前途 2022-9-28 14:18:03 -18dB to -12db best range