Affordable Watches 手錶討論區(21)
新桓波多野結衣 2022-9-27 18:13:40


噴火河馬 2022-9-27 18:16:45 又唔係喎,上一個樣枝stepped gmt真係一眼就知係佢,明明好iconic 唔知點解取消咗
bnic 2022-9-27 18:17:49 誤會咗,我指佢啲舊款明明都已經做得好地地 ..
紅都面晒 2022-9-27 18:18:22

我其實睇極都唔明,咁唔係慢咗兩秒咩? 佢無係:58 秒停,反而係0:00 停,咁兩秒去咗邊?
bnic 2022-9-27 18:19:46 呢個似係 58 秒行咗一圈
暴大戇鳩系 2022-9-27 18:20:53 Seiko mod玩撚爛曬
冇野做 2022-9-27 18:21:11 精工 mod

Shing身鳩毛 2022-9-27 18:23:03 Fb group好多
紅都面晒 2022-9-27 18:26:49 如果係58秒一圈咁個秒針指住嘅index 每刻都係錯。 or 我諗錯?
Shing身鳩毛 2022-9-27 18:28:04 你應該冇理解錯

But here comes the trick. The second hand of an official Swiss railway station clock rotates the dial in 58 seconds in stead of 60. Exactly at 12 o’clock they take a rest. This rest enables the clocks on all Swiss railway stations simultaneously to be synchronized to the second, in fact to the minute, by a central master clock.

In that period of rest the minute hand moves to the next minute, and at exactly the first second of the next minute the second hands of all clocks simultaneously start to move again. So in fact during the course of the minute all clocks, as well as the Mondaine Stop2Go watch, are a little ahead. However when starting the next minute they’re all exactly on time again. Still with me?
冇野做 2022-9-27 18:30:08 佢哋知玩流4會俾人笑窮撚,所以借精工 mod 過橋



Shing身鳩毛 2022-9-27 18:33:44 精工冇授權走去借精工過橋,咪又即係假嘢
冇野做 2022-9-27 18:36:26 以前啲人玩精工 mod 係用隻真 精工錶 去改

佢哋就成隻假勞再印 精工 字

辛坦拿 2022-9-27 18:40:11 我係手幼得濟, 戴到上手, 佢個Lug to Lug啱啱好遮哂我隻手

你就想像到我手幼到咩地步, 所以佢有出38mm真係好好J

不過我應該會考慮鋼帶, 因為皮帶扣到咁入會突左好多出黎, 好樣衰, 除非專登去訂條短帶

辛坦拿 2022-9-27 18:41:19 呢隻真係好靚,
斯文得黎又不失Field Watch味

辛坦拿 2022-9-27 18:42:42 我而家最常戴反而係潛水款, 一黎唔洗咁錫住帶, 二黎而家天氣熱, 沖下佢都冇有怕
冇野做 2022-9-27 18:42:51 舊嗰啲咸仔夜光好廢

辛坦拿 2022-9-27 18:43:42 熊貓面會唔會考慮Orient個隻Neo 70's
靚仔, 仲要換咩帶都襯到
辛坦拿 2022-9-27 18:44:15 咁多隻錶, 不如換左銀包先
新桓波多野結衣 2022-9-27 18:44:16 都係 我係大汗撚 要肯定個日番工唔會outing 我先會帶佢
新桓波多野結衣 2022-9-27 18:45:08 都係 但我發覺越貴既銀包反而好少出有相位既款



辛坦拿 2022-9-27 18:46:19 呢個真, 我上次去睇, 咁啱見到有Laco係到, 個Sales一熄燈,
Laco光到螢光咁, 而Hamiltion 只可以話有色
咖啡小王子 2022-9-27 18:46:38 呢樣真,講得好中point
咖啡小王子 2022-9-27 18:47:34 呢隻有諗過,但我鍾意兩個圈多啲
紅都面晒 2022-9-27 18:47:41 i seeeeee … 明白了,謝巴

咁即刻係clock 就有實際用途,係watch 就係gimmick