CNN:普京親自指揮前綫軍隊 對指揮官下達指令
y4t7sds12 2022-9-23 07:52:08


y4t7sds12 2022-9-23 07:52:33 Russian President Vladimir Putin is himself giving directions directly to generals in the field, two sources familiar with US and western intelligence said– a highly unusual management tactic in a modern military that these sources said hints at the dysfunctional command structure that has plagued Russia’s war from the beginning.

Intelligence intercepts have captured Russian officers arguing among themselves and complaining to friends and relatives back home about decision-making from Moscow, one of these sources told CNN.

And there are significant disagreements on strategy with military leaders struggling to agree on where to focus their efforts to shore up defensive lines, multiple sources familiar with US intelligence said.
球磨川 2022-9-23 07:55:06 個樣愈黎愈老
榮歸烏克蘭 2022-9-23 07:56:55
母雞生雞女 2022-9-23 07:57:44 咁做一般都會輸到仆街

我個名好長(30cm) 2022-9-23 07:59:16 佢知唔知對上一個指揮前線後果係點
三玖寶寶 2022-9-23 07:59:35 親自指揮,親自部署
北方的山有北角 2022-9-23 08:03:12 希魔
予一人 2022-9-23 08:04:59 用zoom指揮
7cool-look 2022-9-23 08:05:16 通常啲下屬都會呃鳩佢形勢大好
舊去不會再新來 2022-9-23 08:05:39 末代沙皇退位前都親自上前線,希望普京有同一命運,死全家!


我若為皇 2022-9-23 08:05:46
啤酒花 2022-9-23 08:06:32 常規核彈啦
係!各位炮友! 2022-9-23 08:07:01
TrynError 2022-9-23 08:07:19 點解普丁見完今上之後,普丁會有個咁大膽嘅決定
賤螂礙交 2022-9-23 08:07:39 有無發表‘重要’講話?
送禮勤工獎 2022-9-23 08:08:42

拿屎上身 2022-9-23 08:08:57 有人都講過親自指揮,點知都瀨晒屎咁
我若為皇 2022-9-23 08:10:40 俄羅斯從此喺世界上消失
啤酒花 2022-9-23 08:12:00 佢最多一齊死,佢一下台死無全屍體
s蒸蒜絲s 2022-9-23 08:13:21 You, go die


舊去不會再新來 2022-9-23 08:13:25 普京死全家!
徐老炳sonog 2022-9-23 08:13:39
春見柑橘 2022-9-23 08:13:51
Rubber 2022-9-23 08:14:14 就咁咋