[前過香港] 加州大學率先逼打第四針!
膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 01:46:41 https://campusready.ucdavis.edu/covid-vaccination

On Sept. 1, the CDC recommended updated COVID-19 boosters from Pfizer for people 12 and older and from Moderna for people 18 and older. The updated boosters are bivalent vaccines, meaning they target both the most recent Omicron subvariants as well as the original COVID-19 strain.

With this recommendation, the UC Vaccine policy now requires all staff and students to get the bivalent booster, when eligible (two months after either an initial series or monovalent booster). Campus leaders recognize that the availability of the bivalent vaccine is currently limited. Please note: Compliance with the bivalent booster requirement does not yet affect employment status, access to facilities or access to services at UC Davis.


游泳健將墨菲特 2022-9-23 02:14:01 又話外國好自由唔會逼針嘅?

膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:18:05 cctoy不嬲都係係香港對外國指手劃腳架啦
南韓金仔 2022-9-23 03:19:35 加洲左膠州正常會逼針
水原千鶴 2022-9-23 03:21:20 樓主又反美爸.
Fastreg 2022-9-23 03:21:30 你藍屍?
Collagen 2022-9-23 03:31:19 新Omicron 針黎喎
宣傳難 2022-9-23 03:33:24 原來外國已經拉哂醫生

膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:34:40 美國D大學好似淨係得膠大先咁癲, 其他就算係藍州好多都係兩針就算
水原千鶴 2022-9-23 03:35:28
膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:36:19 膠州其他大學都好似無咁痴線, 淨係UC十間先玩埋呢D野


關你膠事 2022-9-23 03:37:16 你自己貼嘅最後咪有講

Please note: Compliance with the bivalent booster requirement does not yet affect employment status, access to facilities or access to services at UC Davis.

水原千鶴 2022-9-23 03:37:18 膠州的kai龍
膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:38:16 pifzer moderna之前都係註冊左架喎
燃狗小菜 2022-9-23 03:38:49 pin
好肚餓-,- 2022-9-23 03:39:58 快啲撐
膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:41:12 你唔覺成段野係有矛盾的咩
要求打針但係唔打又無影響, 咁"要求"黎做咩? 一係個"無影響"係鳩噏
John_Weak 2022-9-23 03:41:33 希望反針連登仔唔好跪低啦
山西布政司 2022-9-23 03:43:42 Does not YET


膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:45:28 條友唔覺一邊required一邊無影響係有矛盾架咩

呢個唔係英文問題係邏輯問題, 講之前應該要諗一諗
加州大學(洛杉磯) 2022-9-23 03:46:09 此回覆已被刪除


膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:46:37 你個名
山西布政司 2022-9-23 03:47:01 佢叫你 pin 但係睇漏隻字
膠智的kai龍 2022-9-23 03:51:12 我覺得加州大學之後會每年都要打一支
關你膠事 2022-9-23 03:54:22 而家佢仲係未阻你入,你都話yet即係未啦。拗一兩隻字無限斷9估有咩意思?想講美國水深火熱要逼針咪直接啲講。
