LIHKG 突發!普京宣佈國家進入戰爭狀態並部份動員!可能會動用高達二百萬預備役部隊!
WindowsXD 2022-9-21 14:31:21 Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday partial military mobilization in the country, stressing that "only those citizens who are in the reserve and, above all, those who served in the armed forces, have certain military specialties and relevant experience will be subject to conscription."

Putin insisted that Moscow has to take necessary steps to protect its sovereignty as the West is looking to "weaken" and "destroy" Russia.

The Russian president accused the West of ordering Ukraine to undermine peace talks with Moscow, claiming that the West would not be "happy with a peaceful" solution to the conflict. Putin claimed the two sides had made progress during Istanbul negotiations, but that the Ukrainian side began to undermine further talks after receiving such directions from the West.

Baha Breaking News (BBN) / NP

So far Putin has not resorted to mobilising Russia's reserves, who number around 2 million men with military service within the past five years.


標槍佬會攪掂 2022-9-21 14:32:44 一二戰裝都用緊啦
神樂 2022-9-21 14:33:27 宣戰未?
神聖幾何會長 2022-9-21 14:34:38 可能會動用高達
格雷的五十杯奶茶 2022-9-21 14:34:44 用口水定掉石仔
痴線仆街仔 2022-9-21 14:35:34 鄭立又然
scottsummer 2022-9-21 14:37:16

深深琛 2022-9-21 14:38:04 金剛石高達?🤔有冇御姐指揮官先?
星野瑠美衣 2022-9-21 14:38:48 之前連登仲有班人笑9鄭老師
正義正HiHi 2022-9-21 14:38:48 冷水立立。(成個北佬樣)
起身屌閪啦喂 2022-9-21 14:39:02 反得重勁啦 無啦啦叫班平民上戰場


waiwaiwai 2022-9-21 14:40:21 糧同裝備都缺乏,無用
RSS-WSII(A記) 2022-9-21 14:41:08 今次要升級做 特別的大型軍事行動
我來自2052 2022-9-21 14:41:27 今次中共會配合
石川澪 2022-9-21 14:41:44 廿二世紀仲想玩人海戰術
後備用品 2022-9-21 14:41:46 打左幾個月 原來仲未開戰
白色 2022-9-21 14:42:00 打得果班都輸到仆街
夾爆你個頭 2022-9-21 14:42:04 真實版三國無雙, 2百萬二打六烏軍切菜咁切
天呀!幾時開眼 2022-9-21 14:42:38


葉卡派 2022-9-21 14:43:32
婆婆媽媽咁 拿拿臨出核彈啦
胡車兒 2022-9-21 14:43:34 你無後勤,只會死得愈快
NORIP 2022-9-21 14:43:46 有錢嘅蘇聯仔都移咗民你咪打囉