PhD 過來人分享 心得(7)+集中討論區
愛情波函數(LB2) 2022-9-19 22:38:10 此回覆已被刪除


Kapok 2022-9-19 22:38:38
ZEPETO 2022-9-19 22:40:34
UT_man 2022-9-19 22:44:50 咁等你去慢慢raise 佢做主流
當係人都up 既時候仲有咩研究價值
愛情波函數(LB2) 2022-9-19 22:45:35 此回覆已被刪除
UT_man 2022-9-19 22:46:01 主要係international student 貴
prof 唔肯出錢
UT_man 2022-9-19 22:47:04 新post 講佢老母黎美國又好感恩
UT_man 2022-9-19 22:50:19 The Department of Asian Studies at Cornell University welcomes applications for two tenure-track/early tenure positions. Please click the links below for more information on each position.

Trans-Asia Critical Humanities Assistant/Associate Professor
A tenure-track/early tenure position at the Assistant or early Associate Professor level. This professorship in Trans-Asia Critical Humanities reexamines Asian conceptually within and beyond area studies. Applications are welcome from candidates working in, or across, any region(s) of Asia.

Japan in Transregional and Transtemporal Perspective Assistant/Associate Professor
A tenure-track/early tenure position based on research related to pre-modern/early-modern Japanese humanities. Preference will be given to applicants engaged in developing innovative conceptual frameworks for the humanities and able to nurture students to think cross-temporally and transregionally in contexts prior to the modern.
419617 2022-9-19 22:52:46
愛情波函數(LB2) 2022-9-19 22:53:42 此回覆已被刪除
UT_man 2022-9-19 22:55:03 之前就苗撚


Kapok 2022-9-19 22:56:55 香港掉返轉

支那天龍人 > 歐美精英 > 本地垃圾屎
Kapok 2022-9-19 23:06:44
UT_man 2022-9-19 23:12:17 我26 先讀萬事達
讀phd 前先結婚
UT_man 2022-9-19 23:13:21 連請fac 都加拿大人優先
Kapok 2022-9-19 23:16:07
愛情波函數(LB2) 2022-9-19 23:17:15 此回覆已被刪除
UT_man 2022-9-19 23:20:30 還可以
剩stipend 一定收皮,要ta ship 幫補下
nserc pgs 好重要成每年20k cad
HSBC 2022-9-19 23:20:42
UT_man 2022-9-19 23:21:23 感情野好難計數
HSBC 2022-9-19 23:22:21


時事台神學士 2022-9-19 23:22:25
UT_man 2022-9-19 23:22:54 你做domestic 仲多scholarship apply
好多scholarship 都要你domestic
Kapok 2022-9-19 23:23:35
UT_man 2022-9-19 23:24:18 係餓唔死你

我paki labmate weekend 去油站part time