[旭日永不能於隆尚日出] 九月海外賽事討論區 VI
淡若水 2022-9-27 09:18:51 想出口術 迷惑人
復刻菊花賞 天春
早段扮大逃 中段實際留力

不過頂級大賽 大家都有步速智慧


加州萬里 2022-9-27 09:28:38 原來 La Parisienne都唔夠分

加州萬里 2022-9-27 09:37:24 你要班香港馬主交三球報名費仲要開支自己出,佢地只會算撚數,仲去咩袋鼠
poom 2022-9-27 09:43:18 真係跑嘅話到時就skip預賽啦
波利 2022-9-27 09:49:55 紅寶入p唔穩入咩
加州萬里 2022-9-27 09:51:24 係喎,記漏咗佢紅寶第三
岩立沙穂世界一 2022-9-27 09:52:37 Meydan Star了
宮澤有紀寧 2022-9-27 09:53:12 蘇萊返鄉下吔蕉算啦
加州萬里 2022-9-27 10:09:18 https://twitter.com/racingpost/status/1574466335618351104?s=46&t=ZL8UxdHE611yr3XWUK_2MA

Mr.CB曼聯救心丸 2022-9-27 10:11:52 緊係啦, Baaeed跑咩呀
桜雪 2022-9-27 10:12:52 痴撚線 大混戰


2709730 2022-9-27 10:16:15 諗番當年好望角贏咗澳洲 返香港唔夠10日再同精英大師做下客串真係鐵打咁撚樣
波利 2022-9-27 10:27:20 又話去美國
不過跑arc根本唔使理佢啦 劃走就搞掂
Mr.CB曼聯救心丸 2022-9-27 10:29:18 https://twitter.com/HKJC_Racing/status/1574586232730157057
加州萬里 2022-9-27 10:32:41 戇豆replace
田泰安兪真 2022-9-27 10:48:43 記憶力之鬼
痴呆橫山典弘 2022-9-27 11:00:32 可能唔止
田泰安兪真 2022-9-27 11:53:30 佢返到澳洲之後表現好好?
加州萬里 2022-9-27 12:18:16 唔係,馬主話試閘贏咗eduardo就覺得試得過喎

know it is only a Benchmark 70, but I believe, as an owner, my job is to dream as big as you can. I thought, well, if he has enough talent to do what he did first start in Hong Kong, and do what he did in a trial against Eduardo and then back it up with this then why not? If you don’t ask, you won’t know. So I decided to chase a slot.”

跟住又覺得沙田record time一場就吹到短途馬王喎(上得連登多

When the horse won on debut in record time down the Sha Tin straight, people were already talking about him being a Hong Kong Sprint contender. Maybe he has that kind of talent in him and just needs the right set of circumstances to unleash it,” Tam said.
頭三段武豐 2022-9-27 12:22:13 記得果陣拉倉換人都輸比全世界恥笑
Deerhunter😎 2022-9-27 13:01:44 條友都幾幽默


加州萬里 2022-9-27 13:27:54 https://twitter.com/rvstewards/status/1574630945642401792?s=46&t=ZL8UxdHE611yr3XWUK_2MA

Deerhunter😎 2022-9-27 13:42:12 係咁意望左望巴黎天氣預測

黎緊呢幾日都係落下雨 不過唔大 去到禮拜六都仲係
加州萬里 2022-9-27 13:47:03 https://twitter.com/7horseracing/status/1574636413076717568?s=46&t=ZL8UxdHE611yr3XWUK_2MA

又去coolmore Australia
極速神驅 2022-9-27 14:53:30 上星期日o係Flemington贏直路1100m BM70 賽事