LIHKG 【突發】BBC:白金漢宮指英女皇健康堪憂/查理斯、威廉陸續抵皇家莊園(4)
Mimorin 2022-9-9 00:52:35 UTC 17:35

The Queen’s family are gathering around her, making their way from across the country to be with her at Balmoral.
It’s a reminder that these are sons, daughters, grandchildren and in-laws as well as public figures.
Prince William arrived a little while ago with his uncles Prince Andrew and Prince Edward and Prince Edward’s wife Sophie.
Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, has remained in Windsor as her and William's children have had their first full day at a new school,
Prince Harry is on his way separately, but not accompanied by his wife Meghan, according to their spokeswoman.

google translate:




麻煩各位保持口德 保持車距 順其自然

6點之後有新聞 盡可能用pin更新


BBC one live:


燉炳強武漢茶 2022-9-9 00:53:05 7分鐘
吉川卓 2022-9-9 00:53:08 Bbc不嬲黑
Bbc news 不嬲紅
老乞衣 2022-9-9 00:53:09 Your majesty
天城越え 2022-9-9 00:53:18
叔叔憤怒鳥 2022-9-9 00:53:26 直頭要pin
調理Seafood 2022-9-9 00:53:27 自佢老公死後, 佢都已經撐左咁耐, 其實都係時候俾佢倆夫妻係天國團聚
幫緊你幫緊你la 2022-9-9 00:53:29
丹尼爾歷卡度 2022-9-9 00:53:45
Mimorin 2022-9-9 00:54:00 法國隔100個post就有一個人提
GO_NAVY 2022-9-9 00:54:01


超級學校霸主 2022-9-9 00:54:10
破產(炒股) 2022-9-9 00:54:16
JJ象 2022-9-9 00:54:22 快公佈死訊
眼紅紅でござる 2022-9-9 00:54:31
邀你老母共進餐. 2022-9-9 00:54:34 仲有5分鐘
淮山杞子 2022-9-9 00:54:45 無喇無喇 BBC 都黑色埋

.金高銀 2022-9-9 00:54:46
二樓平台有隻狗 2022-9-9 00:54:52 God bless the queen
叔叔憤怒鳥 2022-9-9 00:54:53 本身係幾點講要醫學觀察?
KKK1314 2022-9-9 00:54:56


調理Seafood 2022-9-9 00:55:05 無左周瑜既吳國都可以堅強落去, 點解日本落帝國唔得
魔力寶貝ZzZ 2022-9-9 00:55:07 事頭婆
地獄鬼国賤民 2022-9-9 00:55:08 5分鐘,希望集體炒車
琉璃昂 2022-9-9 00:55:09