LIHKG 【突發】BBC:白金漢宮指英女皇健康堪憂/查理斯、威廉陸續抵皇家莊園(3)
橫瀾島居民 2022-9-9 00:53:50 要照踢喇 歐霸嚟


積雪艦 2022-9-9 00:53:55 珍啊,七十幾歲仲係王子,俾人笑咗唔知幾多年
八十歲民兵 2022-9-9 00:53:56 伊莉莎伯二世


如果有d 東方既人係怪物,佢都比起新從政既年輕人更認識。

今晚炒美股 2022-9-9 00:54:09 Bbc 台徽變黑
2022-9-9 00:54:22 又loop
淫穴兩團圓 2022-9-9 00:54:23 Dnlm
臺北帝國大學 2022-9-9 00:54:26 樓主開新post
羔羊 2022-9-9 00:54:27 大大橦威爾斯親王醫院係沙田喎ching


條女 2022-9-9 00:54:27 屌好撚煩啊
吉川卓 2022-9-9 00:54:33 又嚟
要靜去自修室啦屌 2022-9-9 00:54:39 Public criticism of the royal family grew more intense after Charles and Diana’s divorce in 1996 and especially after Diana’s death in a car crash in Paris the following summer. The queen initially remained at her estate in Balmoral, Scotland, and refused to allow the flag to fly at half-mast over Buckingham Palace or address the grieving nation.

At the urging of her advisers, she soon revised her stance on the flag, returned to London to greet crowds of mourners and delivered a rare televised address to a nation devastated by the loss of the “People’s Princess.”


所謂成就咪就係外訪周圍去做下慈善 show 囉,泰王有料過佢好多啦
梁志健 2022-9-9 00:54:49 1001
回憶小子 2022-9-9 00:54:51 但佢起碼有做過嘢
臺北帝國大學 2022-9-9 00:54:52 BBC stopped all programs until 18:00
梁志健 2022-9-9 00:55:00 1001
吉川卓 2022-9-9 00:55:04 下個po再講


零下七度 2022-9-9 00:55:09 5分鐘
肥仔公主 2022-9-9 00:55:11 1001
南紀白浜 2022-9-9 00:55:12 爆po了