LIHKG 【突發】BBC:白金漢宮指英女皇健康堪憂/查理斯、威廉陸續抵皇家莊園(3)
條女 2022-9-9 00:04:13 仲要愈落愈大


收嗲OK? 2022-9-9 00:04:16 仆街了
不醒人士 2022-9-9 00:04:23 Prince Harry travelling to Balmoral alone
Prince Harry is travelling to Balmoral alone, according to his spokesperson.

It was reported earlier that he and his wife Meghan were on their way to Scotland together.
仆直 2022-9-9 00:04:23 係囉,女王自己都鐘意land rover
麻瓜青蛙 2022-9-9 00:04:28 最緊要人有事
旺仔牛奶 2022-9-9 00:04:33
米拿牌萬金油 2022-9-9 00:04:34 個時好似話呢架車係親王既愛車
哈啥哈哈 2022-9-9 00:04:41 可能已經落咗
淫穴兩團圓 2022-9-9 00:04:46 你想講咩
腳門員迪基亞 2022-9-9 00:04:50
路人戌 2022-9-9 00:04:52 自拍上social media


夏川真涼 2022-9-9 00:04:54 美股突然急插 係咪收到咩風
收嗲OK? 2022-9-9 00:04:59 四代同堂 同老公都一齊到90幾歲 都已經好幸福㗎啦
吉川卓 2022-9-9 00:05:03 諗返真係覺得不可思議,一個乜柒都冇、人又少嘅島仔,可以將自己嘅影響力推到全世界
TommyWiseau 2022-9-9 00:05:16 好似講掂數係父母走了之後,Duke of Edinburgh係佢
一個明澤各自插入 2022-9-9 00:05:21 God save the queen
橙頭神經刀 2022-9-9 00:05:27 已封鎖會員 麻瓜青蛙
心上一字敢 2022-9-9 00:05:36 太開心啦!
Kensei 2022-9-9 00:05:56 Blocked
簡淑兒(迷敏) 2022-9-9 00:06:05 個主播啲語氣嗰啲凝重
條女 2022-9-9 00:06:09 直播室個tone好似已經準備要講咁


收嗲OK? 2022-9-9 00:06:10 係仲有一點孝心就即刻喺白金漢宮面前跪低痛哭
geob 2022-9-9 00:06:16 their children would be styled as the children of an earl, rather than as prince or princess. In 2020, the Countess of Wessex stated that James and his sister retained their royal titles and styles and will make a choice on whether to use it when they each turn 18
我有畀你屌架! 2022-9-9 00:06:20 咪咁啦 死咗老公自然想跟住走㗎啦
孤獨風中鄭月娥 2022-9-9 00:06:36 Scotland 撚留名