LIHKG 【突發】BBC:白金漢宮指英女皇健康堪憂/查理斯、威廉陸續抵皇家莊園(2)
古巨J 2022-9-8 22:52:36 嫲嫲呀,我喺美國好多嘢做㗎


工傷管理學士 2022-9-8 22:52:39 但呀毛,有鏡狗偽善撚集氣,死唔去。
浴火重生火鳳凰 2022-9-8 22:52:39 呢個係咪平時冇咩大事都唔會開?
臺北帝國大學 2022-9-8 22:52:51
燉炳強武漢茶 2022-9-8 22:52:52
豬柳強國人 2022-9-8 22:52:54 700年前有機動遊戲咩
條女 2022-9-8 22:52:59 NEW
Posted at 22:5122:51
Plane carrying Royal Household members lands in Aberdeen
The plane carrying seven members of the Royal Family has landed at Aberdeen airport.

It's not known who exactly is on the flight from RAF Northolt.

Aberdeen airport is about an hour's drive from Balmoral.

吉川卓 2022-9-8 22:53:02 Bbc
Rei妹 2022-9-8 22:53:04 孫仔掛住屌Jisoo
石頭與腳 2022-9-8 22:53:14 皇室有活動都會開LIVE
ゆい愛護協會會員 2022-9-8 22:53:25 毛班元佬死都未倒台,翠翠憑咩


羊肉卡巴 2022-9-8 22:53:26
geob 2022-9-8 22:53:33 第二日仲要返來, 我諗點都要有人陪住, even有工人係身邊
浴火重生火鳳凰 2022-9-8 22:53:37 皇帝想見邊個咪見邊個囉
Vasily.Zaitsev 2022-9-8 22:53:39
工傷管理學士 2022-9-8 22:53:39 但呀毛,有針灸

食花生師 2022-9-8 22:53:46 BBC: Kate唔去,所以3個仔女都應該無上機
waiwaiwai 2022-9-8 22:53:56 人終有依一天
愛仔請留言 2022-9-8 22:54:10
黑夜總會過去 2022-9-8 22:54:13 好似話今日係3個仔女第一日翻full day學 所以kate要留低陪佢地
食家茂利 2022-9-8 22:54:15 如果事頭婆仲識玩膠咁精靈,我就放心啦


卜火丨釒丿釒㐅乂 2022-9-8 22:54:15 從來冇人講過 王 = king
皇 = emperor
升降機(Hydra) 2022-9-8 22:54:23 15:48
What we know
If you're just joining us, here's a reminder of where things stand amid concerns over the Queen's health.

Just after 12.30 this afternoon, Buckingham Palace issued a statement saying the Queen's doctors were concerned about her health, recommending she remained under medical supervision.

Soon after that, we heard news that all the Queen's children were either already with her at Balmoral Castle in Scotland or travelling to be with her.

Prince Charles, Camilla and Princess Anne are at Balmoral.

Prince William, the Queen's eldest grandson and second in line to the throne, is on his way there, while his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, has remained in Windsor as her children are on their first full day at their new school.

Prince William's brother, Prince Harry, and his wife Meghan had been in the UK in recent days for engagements, and are now known to be travelling to Scotland too.

On Tuesday, newly appointed UK PM Liz Truss had herself travelled to Balmoral to be appointed by the Queen, in a break with tradition as the monarch would have normally seen her in London. But the Queen had suffered from mobility issues recently and so the meeting was moved to Balmoral.
711 2022-9-8 22:54:23 why ?
安倍晋三 2022-9-8 22:54:33 YOU GOT PRANKED