LIHKG 【突發】BBC:白金漢宮指英女皇健康堪憂/查理斯、威廉陸續抵皇家莊園
已閱 2022-9-8 20:44:25


無知的on9仔 2022-9-8 20:44:33 Victoria, by the GRACE of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, —To all to whom these Presents shall come — GREETING: KNOW YE — that We, of our Special Grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have thought fit to erect and do hereby erect our Island of Hong Kong and its Dependencies, situate between twenty two degrees nine minutes, and twenty-two degrees twenty-one minutes North Latitude, and the one hundred and fourteenth degree eighteen minutes East Longtitude from the Meridian of Greenwich, into a Colony, and the said Island and its Dependencies is hereby erected into a separate Colony accordingly, to be known and designated at “the Colony of Hong Kong”.

有智之士 2022-9-8 20:44:34 秦國人私底下都笑鳩佢啦
ajtast 2022-9-8 20:44:37 此回覆已被刪除
生煎包 2022-9-8 20:44:45
蕉直相對 2022-9-8 20:44:46
健康abby 2022-9-8 20:44:55 此回覆已被刪除
誠實香港市民 2022-9-8 20:44:57 果頭近
天照臨 2022-9-8 20:44:58 其實之前都講咗好多次,不過佢同老江一樣,傳咗幾次都尚在人世,唔知今次真定假。

貓身狗公 2022-9-8 20:44:58
仲要每次都做/ 講/ 寫得超得體超有風度




攬住樓下跳樓 2022-9-8 20:45:00 下個順位邊個最有機會登基?


FiveGuys月餅 2022-9-8 20:45:06 PM 定期要覲見英女王
你覺得冇比"意見" ?
Lghjhgb 2022-9-8 20:45:06 此回覆已被刪除
事頭婆 2022-9-8 20:45:37
神原拓也 2022-9-8 20:45:40 我幫你話埋佢唔夠黃
責任不在我方 2022-9-8 20:45:44 集氣
魔女急大便 2022-9-8 20:45:49 London bitch is falling down

Put到落萬八點 2022-9-8 20:45:57 反清復明

最後的封棺釘 2022-9-8 20:46:21


拼百圖 2022-9-8 20:46:23 god save the queen
肥_仔 2022-9-8 20:46:32


事頭婆 2022-9-8 20:46:45 Pray for Queen
渡渡鳥 2022-9-8 20:46:57 The Duke of York - Prince Andrew - is on his way to Balmoral. The Count and Countess of Wessex, Edward and Sophie, are also travelling there, and Princess Anne is already in Scotland where she had been undertaking engagements.

All the Queen's children are either at or travelling to Balmoral, says our Royal Correspondent Jonny Dymond.
小明上火星 2022-9-8 20:47:20 查理斯
喂你冷靜D 2022-9-8 20:47:37 96歲