GME / (185) 財報: 69th July
打丁唔洗手 2022-11-4 17:46:31 不演了


閪港閪環閪人 2022-11-4 21:54:04 LRC jm9
1137癲佬 2022-11-7 17:52:19 我侵
打丁唔洗手 2022-11-8 13:52:27 Dino今鋪就和味啦
1137癲佬 2022-11-8 18:27:41
Luminova 2022-11-9 01:06:41 FTX GG 左?
黃昏螺絲粉 2022-11-9 01:07:54 被binance食咗
Luminova 2022-11-9 01:13:53 其實已經zen 到無乜點跟
IMX 我知
但FTX 發生緊乜?
NFT stock exchange?
黃昏螺絲粉 2022-11-9 01:15:37 FTX 咪間數一數二大嘅crypto exchange
好似被人爆balance shit唔多掂
binance 個CZ 公開屌鳩佢
閪港閪環閪人 2022-11-9 07:37:59

This whole thing goes way back to 2019 before Binance incubated FTX. In 2019, CZ tweeted that some small derivatives exchange was attacking futures markets on Binance.

He then invested in that small derivatives exchange, built them up, cashed out, weirdly took payment in their own tokens last year instead of taking entire settlement in tether or bitcoin, Alameda balance sheet rumours from substack gets picked up by coindesk, CZ goes public about dumping their tokens on the market, bank run, CZ swoops in and serves it back cold.

Played SBF like a f'n fiddle! GG

@日月 2022-11-9 08:28:16 之前未話合作,依家又有變數


不破諫 2022-11-9 08:39:49

出事係. Com 話合作既. Us
Luminova 2022-11-9 14:49:48

不絲意遊氣 2022-11-9 14:52:01 Hood
打丁唔洗手 2022-11-9 18:12:05 幣災 又有大量資金流入黎 極大機會ss
閪港閪環閪人 2022-11-9 19:10:31 幣joy幣joy
1137癲佬 2022-11-9 23:00:50 最後上車雞燴
美國太空人 2022-11-9 23:09:18 SS無望啦..算啦
1137癲佬 2022-11-9 23:18:37 賠錢牙
吾爾開希 2022-11-9 23:39:30
1137癲佬 2022-11-9 23:40:21 有冇人解釋下


係咪入錯系?係! 2022-11-10 00:05:05 世界末日啊
吾爾開希 2022-11-10 00:09:20
係咪入錯系?係! 2022-11-10 00:10:56
傻的嗎樓主 2022-11-10 00:10:59