GME / (185) 財報: 69th July
閪港閪環閪人 2022-9-30 13:52:29



閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-1 07:25:22

SPY $350
Lion_King 2022-10-2 20:08:05 想問SS未
閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-2 20:29:00 收到料一陣開市SS
西裝男 2022-10-2 20:31:06 未訓醒去洗個面先啦
閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-2 20:31:59
那須川天心 2022-10-3 15:41:17 瑞信好似唔多掂?
閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-3 15:49:08

閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-3 16:01:05

有冇人仲記得嚟個 0.54M 張 put contracts

趙孟頫 2022-10-3 16:12:02 還咗股未
閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-3 16:16:55 憑實力借嘅點解要還


趙孟頫 2022-10-3 16:17:33 😦😦😦
當我們一起走過 2022-10-3 16:26:22 收到第一封信 入個網register 有個位 寫 咩公司 我打 GME / GameStop corp 都無呢個選項 有無人知要打咩?
閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-3 16:28:12

Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs) are determined based on four main criteria: (a) size, (b) cross-jurisdiction activity, (c) complexity, and (d) substitutability. The list of G-SIBs is published annually by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The G-SIBs must maintain a higher capital level – capital surcharge – compared to other banks.

In November 2021,[10] the FSB updated the list of G-SIBs, and the following banks were included: Agricultural Bank of China, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., Banco Santander, S.A., Bank of America, Bank of China, Bank of New York Mellon, Barclays, BNP Paribas, China Construction Bank, Citigroup, Crédit Agricole Group, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, Goldman Sachs, Groupe BPCE, HSBC Holdings plc, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, ING Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., Morgan Stanley, Nordea Bank Abp, Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Société Générale S.A., Standard Chartered plc, State Street, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Group, UBS Group AG, UniCredit S.p.A., Wells Fargo.

閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-3 16:29:37 Check下係咪ComputerShares US?

去咗其他國家 ex: HK UK咪冇囉
1137癲佬 2022-10-3 16:48:32 收到風今晚開市
cakeandsodomy 2022-10-3 17:27:52 今晚好大機會SS
1137癲佬 2022-10-4 21:51:22 係SS😱😱😱
打丁唔洗手 2022-10-4 21:58:23 終於黎到約定之日
1137癲佬 2022-10-4 22:25:03 ching我地月球相見
1137癲佬 2022-10-5 22:05:53 咩事= =


係咪入錯系?係! 2022-10-5 22:26:05 畀返啲錢我
閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-5 22:29:14
browser 2022-10-8 04:16:21 人都唔見晒

閪港閪環閪人 2022-10-8 08:37:35