歐到冇朋友 2022-8-30 18:08:03 又要睇AD了


DickOwner 2022-8-30 18:31:30 又嚟
DickOwner 2022-8-30 18:32:14 紅4 抽到保底先有嘅呢度大把

爆裂道G 2022-8-30 18:36:01
嘉頓送禮套裝 2022-8-30 18:43:28 買個去廣告包
爆裂道G 2022-8-30 18:47:01 83蚊佢都好識搵錢
關你隱事 2022-8-30 18:55:06 咁似dark既

特特多麻神 2022-8-30 19:24:51 要不停睇廣告先勁 算了
DickOwner 2022-8-30 19:44:12 咁我繼續Dash了
歐到冇朋友 2022-8-30 19:49:56

嘉頓送禮套裝 2022-8-30 20:35:53 準備好抽海賊王未


歐到冇朋友 2022-8-30 20:56:44 之前係咪仲有隻idle驚係d怪四方八面咁黎
細味細妹 2022-8-30 22:49:25 點解我搵唔到
歐到冇朋友 2022-8-30 22:53:41
DickOwner 2022-8-31 10:32:02 晏啲更新
឵1. Reorganized Summon System឵
- Added [Jackpot] in the Equipment Summon System
- Each Equipment Summon increases the Jackpot point above,
and you can acquire the displayed number of Diamond when Jackpot is activated.
- You can acquire at least 30K Diamond to the maximum of 200K Diamond,
and Jackpot is activated by 100% when you reach 200K points.
- Changed [Hellfire] to a bonus event for 33 Summons.
- Increased the number of free Games for Hellfire
to a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 games.
- Changed UI for Infamy Bounty and Magic Tool Summon.

឵2. Payback Event឵
- The reorganization of Summon System has greatly increased
the refund rate of Diamond for Summon and the benefits in the future
but we are holding this bonus event to reward the existing amount of use.
- To celebrate the Summon System reorganization update,
we return you a certain amount of Diamond according to you total Summon Levels.
- You can check the reward when you log in after the update.

឵3. Bugfixes឵
- Fixed the error where the number of Enchant Stones in possession decreases
upon purchasing Ancient Enchant Stone from Ancient Shop.
- Fixed the point display error in Mission Pass.
- Fixed the error where game speed increases in Power Saver Mode for some devices.
(However, the efficiency of power saving can be decreased temporarily,
and we are going to improve it as soon as possible.)
長谷川水花 2022-8-31 10:51:49 得300石咋
嘉頓送禮套裝 2022-8-31 11:12:12 手痕無儲石嘅我地
嘉頓送禮套裝 2022-8-31 11:14:21 唔係wor 更新後根據抽武器lv送石wor
嘉頓送禮套裝 2022-8-31 11:21:26 夠用啦 傳聞7石機
DISTILLED 2022-8-31 12:00:20 反而抽到爪4
嘉頓送禮套裝 2022-8-31 14:06:00 仲有一個鐘就可以射武器pool了
期望上到lv7 咁就青爪了


呀不就好棒棒 2022-8-31 14:24:32 我lv7都仲差一把紅4
歐到冇朋友 2022-8-31 14:39:20 派石未
歐到冇朋友 2022-8-31 14:43:03 連ICON都轉埋
DISTILLED 2022-8-31 14:50:07 抽武器係咪抽齊晒一款先轉?