澳洲移民 你問我答 (28)
姊妹狗 2022-9-9 07:44:55


娜娜愛鹿茸 2022-9-9 07:59:58 887visa 最近群情洶湧

利申: 苦主
肥仔條條fing 2022-9-9 08:00:23
姊妹狗 2022-9-9 08:11:36
木瓜雪耳 2022-9-9 08:38:39
德國短毛人 2022-9-9 08:42:10
肥仔條條fing 2022-9-9 08:49:05
木瓜雪耳 2022-9-9 09:05:41
Mazda 2022-9-9 11:15:56 [member]想代FD問下由巴,vetassess 要交statement of service
正如上面巴打咁講,香港D HR唔會寫埋main job duties
但佢有full contract of entire employment period ,可唔可以combine 埋HR 封信,從而過到skills assessment

The Statement of Service must include the following:
a)   Issue date for the Statement of Service
b)   The company letterhead
c)   Your full name
d)   The working hours per week
e)   Your official position title(s) held at the organisation
f)   The exact period of your employment in each position held
g)  [red] Description of your main duties for each position held[/red]
h)   The salary earned
i)   Full name, position title, official contact details and signature of the person writing the statement [/member]
日做夜做 2022-9-9 11:23:46 190 Granted
姊妹狗 2022-9-9 11:25:37


Send_Nuke 2022-9-9 11:27:22 恭喜
將冰山劈開 2022-9-9 11:34:11
A_Small_Potato 2022-9-9 11:58:32
Distorted 2022-9-9 13:16:33
Distorted 2022-9-9 13:18:21
Mazda 2022-9-9 14:19:05
濟洲射擊場 2022-9-9 15:01:54
Fuck系毒撚 2022-9-9 15:17:57 恭喜巴打
夠薑隻撚揪 2022-9-9 15:58:41 都要搞 ~1600 aud
GMiNG 2022-9-9 16:15:36 其實個人唔係澳洲,係咪基本上唔使諗搵工? 但過去又要首先申請到visa 先得....我依家係MNC 做緊tax manager ,想搵tax accountant 工,但未開始.


由我 2022-9-9 16:26:43 恭喜恭喜
由我 2022-9-9 16:27:25 唔得,因為合同上面既duties未必up-to-date。
由我 2022-9-9 16:33:59
GMiNG 2022-9-9 16:34:43 請問你係咩工呀?同埋係咪個人係澳洲搵工?