澳洲移民 你問我答 (28)
由我 2022-8-31 14:05:01 System 有幾頂唔住?香港醫院108% capacity, 隻抽20都仲未爆啦


Fatso 2022-8-31 14:50:41 你要抝咩叫爆好難定義,最少澳洲點都未洗返完a 再返n 仲要係無得揀咁返
Adidas 2022-8-31 15:08:46 開唔夠一個月已經 15000+ ROI

The Victorian Skilled Migration Program launched last week and has seen unprecedented demand. We have already received over 15,000 Registrations of Interest. Last week we sent out our first invitations for the year.

All eligible ROIs submitted before 8am, Tuesday 23 August were considered. In this first-round, invitations to submit an application for state nomination were sent to just over 1,100 people.
Fuck系毒撚 2022-8-31 15:09:39 幾好吖
佢今年有9000 個位
濟洲射擊場 2022-8-31 15:16:13
哀怨女絲打 2022-8-31 15:29:36 Assistant store manager係90k,三年後跳point跳到95k

Store manager 由99k到130k

Regional manager 就由133k到179k

麻利綿羊 2022-8-31 16:09:12
Fuck系毒撚 2022-8-31 16:16:35
Mazda 2022-8-31 16:19:20
麻利綿羊 2022-8-31 16:22:04
Justasking 2022-8-31 16:25:51 此回覆已被刪除


Fuck系毒撚 2022-8-31 16:29:52
Send_Nuke 2022-8-31 16:32:19 一間鋪有幾多manager ?
2084- 2022-8-31 16:46:45
Justasking 2022-8-31 16:53:35 此回覆已被刪除
哀怨女絲打 2022-8-31 16:55:26 一個store manager 一個assistant store manager 然後四五個shift manager

一個regional manager 就睇大約五六間舖
Fatso 2022-8-31 17:19:15 你簽得eba一定會有lag 㗎啦,人哋出面好多工無eba 梗可以任你嗌㗎⋯⋯我哋喺州政府一樣加得1.25%,仲要全國最低咁滯,大家咪又係得個噏字,都係嗰句,你淨係睇錢真係唔好做要有心服務大眾嘅工
Send_Nuke 2022-8-31 17:59:18 問過揸公共交通工具果班人未
Justasking 2022-8-31 18:06:04 此回覆已被刪除
Justasking 2022-8-31 18:08:24 此回覆已被刪除
Fatso 2022-8-31 20:25:36 交通工具唔撚洗有所謂嘅愛心吖嘛


Tasman 2022-8-31 20:34:44 華人細firm ,考緊CPA

打算攞到PR 就閃
Tasman 2022-8-31 20:37:09 你望下Sydney班火車佬日撚日罷工,根本唔需要有愛心,你班打工狗返唔到工關佢鬼事
迪麗雞巴 2022-8-31 20:44:40
Tasman 2022-8-31 20:55:50