則田唔帶帽 2022-8-22 22:04:11 住夠183日就係resident?


有冇牛油帶過嚟 2022-8-22 22:05:11 我7月頭land,返緊工應該已經係resident?
CNTower 2022-8-22 22:08:27 https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/tax-free-savings-account/who-open-a-tfsa.html#nn_rsdnts_Cnd

Non-residents of Canada?
You could be considered a non-resident for tax purposes if you meet any of the following conditions:

you normally, customarily, or routinely live in another country and are not considered a resident of Canada
you do not have residential ties in Canada; and either one of the following situations applies:
you live outside Canada throughout the tax year
you stay in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year
Even if you no longer live in Canada, you could have residential ties in Canada that are enough for you to be considered a factual or deemed resident of Canada. In these cases, the regular rules for opening a TFSA still apply.

Residential ties include:

a home in Canada
a spouse or common-law partner or dependants in Canada
personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture
social ties in Canada
Other ties that can be relevant include:

Canadian driver's licence
Canadian bank accounts or credit cards
hospitalization and medical insurance coverage from a province or territory of Canada
For more information on residential ties, see Income Tax Folio S5-F1-C1, Determining an Individual’s Residence Status or call the International Enquiries for Individuals and Trusts at one of the following numbers:

1-800-959-8281 (from anywhere in Canada and the United States)

613-940-8495 (from outside Canada and the United States)

We accept collect calls by automated response. You may hear a beep and experience a normal connection delay.

If you become a non-resident of Canada, or are considered to be a non-resident for income tax purposes:

you will be allowed to keep your TFSA and you will not be taxed in Canada on any earnings in the account or on withdrawals from it
no TFSA contribution room will accrue for any year throughout which you are a non-resident of Canada
any withdrawals made during the period that you were a non-resident will be added back to your TFSA contribution room in the following year, but will only be available if you re-establish your Canadian residency status for tax purposes
綠帽鹿角 2022-8-22 22:12:15 我呢啲老嘢只識靠Costco

有時Shoppers買$60送$20積分嗰陣 用嚟買啲有特價嘅補品都ok
CNTower 2022-8-22 22:13:11 https://www.rbc.com/newcomers/investing-in-canada.html

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
How can I use it?

Save for anything you want in the next few years⎯an emergency fund, a car, renovation or retirement.

What is it?

A registered savings plan where investment earnings and withdrawals are tax-free41.

Hide who is eligible

Canadian residents
Permanent residents/landed immigrants
Foreign workers42
International students
Eligibility requirements:

Have reached age of majority in your province of residence
Have a Social Insurance Number
Hide tax treatment

Are contributions tax-deductible?


Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?


Are withdrawals taxed?


Hide eligible investments

What investment products can I hold in it?

Mutual funds
Savings deposits
Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46
Hide contributions

Annual contribution limits

$6,000 for 2019 (subject to change) plus any unused contribution room from previous years54

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?

米咪瞇銤 2022-8-22 22:14:58 無membership入costco

StraightOuttaHK 2022-8-22 22:22:49 此回覆已被刪除
CNTower 2022-8-22 22:28:40 of course
我叫大飛 2022-8-22 22:56:16 但townhouse住邊區?我見townhouse貴condo好多喎
米咪瞇銤 2022-8-22 22:56:36 得term deposit同guranteed gic先係必賺
我唔識撚貓 2022-8-22 23:00:53 townhouse 大過condo咁貴過condo都正常下嘛


我叫大飛 2022-8-22 23:02:39 所以咪好奇condo點換上townhouse
定係有無邊到townhouse 係會平啲
我唔識撚貓 2022-8-22 23:05:12 地方大都唔慣

我唔識撚貓 2022-8-22 23:05:47 住遠d咪平d
我不是唐紫睿 2022-8-22 23:06:47
我不是唐紫睿 2022-8-22 23:07:41
我叫大飛 2022-8-22 23:08:39 想請教下你會買樓花/二手樓?
我不是唐紫睿 2022-8-22 23:08:46
我唔識撚貓 2022-8-22 23:08:47 提提costco淨係收master 唔收visa

有gift card做入場卷都好
最好都有張master以防買超過張gift card個數
我不是唐紫睿 2022-8-22 23:09:42
遊雲 2022-8-22 23:21:29 今日hkd 兌cad 跌左d , 想換多d 加紙留意下


諗名唔撚易 2022-8-22 23:30:19 我cousin 20年買樓花原本話23年尾收樓
我不是唐紫睿 2022-8-22 23:34:41 我朋友2016-7年買樓花
我叫大飛 2022-8-22 23:37:42 係咪呢排樓花都會賴野 同埋如果你買二手樓個入場費會係ard幾多?

又肥又灣 2022-8-22 23:38:04 珍 同埋依加發展商臨時加價最多都係俾省府罸幾萬蚊 人地跟本唔怕加你價
我會話樓花期愈長愈大機會加價 佢明知你唔會係市場搵到相同價錢同呎數