絕望的真相 2022-8-21 23:21:09 呢個地圖只限多倫多市,唔包Peel Region



k00kder 2022-8-21 23:24:04
善良既市民 2022-8-21 23:32:25
笹崎麻美我老婆 2022-8-21 23:33:06 都成日已經成日食fast food
笹崎麻美我老婆 2022-8-21 23:33:25
綠帽鹿角 2022-8-21 23:37:45
Vitamin.C 2022-8-21 23:39:55 係咪neighbourhood crime map
k00kder 2022-8-22 00:05:06
CNTower 2022-8-22 00:33:43 public hoilday is not vacation.
CNTower 2022-8-22 00:41:35 自己執生啦。 無人可以阻止你點諗。 但係禍從口出。 只要小心啲講嘢, 唔好得罪人咪OK囉。 我好多時都睇唔順眼嫁。 總之無踩到我就算啦。唔通真係宇宙最強上身咩。 人哋可能有槍㗎
CNTower 2022-8-22 00:46:55 There were a few shootings near the MacDonald's area


CNTower 2022-8-22 00:47:28 many
腳巴 2022-8-22 00:49:06 正常少塞就40分鐘 塞就
腳巴 2022-8-22 00:50:02 North york無死
大麻仍是會開花 2022-8-22 00:52:16 Scarberia係雜,但治安算唔錯喎
辣椒釀龜頭 2022-8-22 00:56:28 好貴
已經預咗要住basement ,但ny熱門好少盤,一係就貴
東倫敦燒味鋪 2022-8-22 01:46:23 貴有佢道理,平有佢原因
你有精神病? 2022-8-22 02:14:24 間老朱車仔麵好撚普通份量又少
Devin_Booker 2022-8-22 03:20:52 仲以為所有beverage 都係 non taxable
原來carbonated soft drink係要收稅
k00kder 2022-8-22 03:48:54
CNTower 2022-8-22 04:09:10 https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/gi-036/beverages.html

Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages are taxable regardless of serving size or packaging format. Examples include carbonated soft drinks, mixers such as tonic and soda water, carbonated mineral water, sparkling water, carbonated juices, and non-alcoholic malt beverages.

Many establishments operate soda fountains. These fountains are operated with cylinders of pre-mix or post-mix. Pre-mix is a carbonated beverage. It is supplied in a cylinder and contains all the syrups and CO2 required. The operator attaches this to the fountain and the fountain dispenses a carbonated beverage. Pre-mix acquired by such establishments is taxable. Post-mix contains other ingredients for a carbonated beverage but does not contain CO2. Post-mix is zero-rated.


是旦啦吊(A0) 2022-8-22 05:02:21 屌你

買2包印撈+1包泡菜公仔麵+垃圾泡菜BBQ汁 同
我唔識撚貓 2022-8-22 05:30:39 泡菜面好貴
米咪瞇銤 2022-8-22 07:12:49 公仔麵係貴族食物黎
我唔識撚貓 2022-8-22 07:21:40 Freshway做緊$6.99/2pack