L.Messi_10 2022-8-21 00:26:08 要比100%借走 點解唔自用


白河千尋 2022-8-21 00:27:09 佢存在打擊士氣
🌵C.Bravo 2022-8-21 00:28:43 唔比no.佢唔理佢咪算,之前熱狗都係咁對丹尼羅斯
AndreGomes 2022-8-21 00:39:17 你都係咁對我
白虎虎源太 2022-8-21 00:57:45 巴出晒100%份糧 €5.1m gross
🌵C.Bravo 2022-8-21 01:07:40 你在我心中❤️
王菲(孤寂) 2022-8-21 01:08:33 此回覆已被刪除
🌵C.Bravo 2022-8-21 01:21:51
瘋孽 2022-8-21 01:36:41
法基迪莊 2022-8-21 01:40:56 係咪on9,Lecce出得幾多錢
白虎虎源太 2022-8-21 01:55:33 主要應該係慳返一個主隊名額


skschrys 2022-8-21 04:36:21 咁樣算唔算騰空salary cap?
AndreGomes 2022-8-21 04:49:08
白虎虎源太 2022-8-21 04:53:56
白虎虎源太 2022-8-21 05:01:36 Lecce have now agreed personal terms with Umtiti. The Frenchman will fly to Lecce early next week once final details are done and sealed between clubs.

Barcelona will pay Umtiti's full salary during the player's loan period at Lecce, but Barça will receive add-ons during the season.

瘋孽 2022-8-21 05:14:11 純粹清個salary cap出嚟?
AndreGomes 2022-8-21 05:15:09
白虎虎源太 2022-8-21 05:39:15
Distorted 2022-8-21 06:36:28
白虎虎源太 2022-8-21 07:02:33
傲慢如C 2022-8-21 07:10:21 @gerardromero: "6-7 Barcelona players are part of the top 10 or top 20 highest paid players in the world..."


傲慢如C 2022-8-21 07:12:40 貪錢嘅三件荷蘭狗 一件丹麥佬 仲有班西人死廢老幾撚時去死 屌你老母
波音蝠 2022-8-21 07:19:00
毛小慧 2022-8-21 07:42:45 睇完黑記個直播總結

白虎虎源太 2022-8-21 07:54:22 https://twitter.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1561125909264011265