成人電影製作商提出900萬美金,邀請Amber Heard 拍片
要靜去自修室啦屌 2022-8-13 15:27:01 The deal that Zen Models offered to Amber Heard is reportedly worth $8 million and includes an additional $1 million donation to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

Amber Heard's lawyers have yet to comment on this offer. It remains to be seen if the Aquaman star will end up taking this X-rated deal or if she will focus on taking more roles within Hollywood instead.



Wonderboy(世七) 2022-8-13 15:28:27 賣身還債
做乜春天 2022-8-13 15:29:01 Anal
Double penetration
應化身佛你 2022-8-13 15:30:02 Blacked
599g 2022-8-13 15:30:37 2 girls 1 cup
股票輸身家 2022-8-13 15:31:28 夠還比JOHNNY 仲留到少少
驅蟑人 2022-8-13 15:31:35 水底人下海
鋒刃 2022-8-13 15:31:57 睇佢柯屎落張床?
傑克船長 2022-8-13 15:32:40 佢拍其實真係想睇
HP0 2022-8-13 15:32:42
要靜去自修室啦屌 2022-8-13 15:34:23 其實係幾正,著 aquaman 個look 來屌


鹹魚 2022-8-13 15:35:21 劇情:一路騎老公一路打佢,最後痾督屎係佢塊面
teasante 2022-8-13 15:36:06 拍完係咪可以上訴
藍色多老婆 2022-8-13 15:37:30 想睇
本命瓏 2022-8-13 15:37:46 唔該修一修身先,早排上庭個look真係肥腫難分
要靜去自修室啦屌 2022-8-13 15:38:10 呢個look正
傷心難過又如何 2022-8-13 15:40:01 留名等睇落火坑填數
鹹魚!鹹魚! 2022-8-13 15:40:35 玩屎?
(苦笑) 2022-8-13 15:41:13 佢肯拍應該賺得多過拍戲
大撚與龍閪 2022-8-13 15:42:49 此回覆已被刪除
狗鐵從業員 2022-8-13 15:44:17 依條女淫賤邪底
好啱做sm女王 玩屎玩屎眼大叫yes yes yesss


利申day1撐Johnny depp 屌依件毒婦,不過真心覺得依條女正


渣煲查 2022-8-13 15:45:09 additional $1 million donation to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

新時代.の.愛銃 2022-8-13 15:46:57 有得諗wor
路易二世 2022-8-13 15:47:46 唔玩屎都ok
要靜去自修室啦屌 2022-8-13 15:48:58 唔玩屎邊有賣點