[肉酸賤種疤高屠+Facebook page admin空難死]巴塞隆拿球迷討論區(451)
毛小慧 2022-8-11 13:58:22 轉會窗完嗰一日


毛小慧 2022-8-11 13:58:45 仲話買Bwa
Cade_Cunningham 2022-8-11 14:02:38 此回覆已被刪除
🌵C.Bravo 2022-8-11 14:06:04 正視聽,係醜聞
毛小慧 2022-8-11 14:10:31 免簽西甲助攻王!爽
喂哥仔 2022-8-11 14:18:45 2 days 12 hours !!!
耿鬼 2022-8-11 14:29:22 冇興趣幫你整個一字排開既柒事po
隨遇而安的人 2022-8-11 14:33:58 是否今個星期內就有大結局睇
瘋孽 2022-8-11 14:35:36 Nico González on Instagram: "It's not goodbye, it's see you later. At my 20, need and want to play a lot of minutes to grow as a footballer, and therefore I decided that the right thing for me was to do it at another club this season. To the Culés, team and fans, I wish you all the luck in the world and may you celebrate many titles. See you again in a year. Força Barça."
喂哥仔 2022-8-11 14:36:16 同埋個 register policy 係咪如果第一場波開波之前reg唔到就成個頭半季都冇得踢
耿鬼 2022-8-11 14:37:40 重有個火野麗變身


KK_25 2022-8-11 14:38:20 天神同kessie唔會同你等到8月31號 佢地都要時間搵球隊嗰啲如果真係reg唔到 所以其實你當星期六前就係deadline 但巴塞同西甲好似都對reg到曬所有人暫時係樂觀
克景仆佳 2022-8-11 14:39:04 50蚊收埋啦 我成張消費卷八達通寄埋
耿鬼 2022-8-11 14:43:26 佢寄左50BTC畀拿狗炒
白河千尋 2022-8-11 14:44:16 點 又係無尼頭嘅一日?
毛小慧 2022-8-11 14:51:28 佢哋有邊次唔係樂觀

克景仆佳 2022-8-11 15:01:00 上年美隊佢拿狗都係咁講
問學人 2022-8-11 15:06:33 想睇

gchi fdj 留低攬炒巴塞
白虎虎源太 2022-8-11 15:06:59 FC Barcelona prefer to keep Aubameyang over Memphis.

FC Barcelona could announce several departures today.

@RogerTorello [🎖️]
KK_25 2022-8-11 15:11:26 星期五晚就有結果
白虎虎源太 2022-8-11 15:21:22 仲有2個幾鐘
GerardRomero好似開Live講Big things


傲慢如C 2022-8-11 15:22:45 都話練都唔俾佢練就啱 企喺球場邊執波啦
瘋孽 2022-8-11 15:24:00 而家講緊未必夠收入去過西甲條數,緊係邊個賣得貴就賣邊個啦,反正都係打後備,仲要兩個唔係爭好遠,仲係到揀揀揀
白虎虎源太 2022-8-11 15:26:15 猛要求free transfer走 係慳人工條數
🌵C.Bravo 2022-8-11 15:27:06 我發覺自從你地屌到佢痴線之後,