[814意甲開季] AC米蘭球迷討論區 316
BrahimDiaz 2022-8-9 19:01:53 兩個30碎右翼


方皓玟 2022-8-9 19:02:01 Origi have almost completed the entire training session of today with the rest of the Milan squad. His presence against Udinese remains in doubt but his return is a good news nonetheless
方皓玟 2022-8-9 19:05:17
霸氣外露 2022-8-9 19:19:54 但佢對我地輸多贏少
米蘭戰術分析師 2022-8-9 19:23:07 近十年太柒,茅計
霸氣外露 2022-8-9 19:26:29 好似無乜輸比佢地,除咗差啲反敗嗰次
mattorr8 2022-8-9 19:27:27 以後都難啲會打 我地打歐聯
食左飯未 2022-8-9 19:28:04 主場贏4:0 作客輸番3:0
邦利拿BB 2022-8-9 19:31:11
仙豆 2022-8-9 19:31:41
邦利拿BB 2022-8-9 19:36:26 佢哋J咗5 6 頁


N.Aké 2022-8-9 19:45:56 佢哋連個荷甲仔都爭唔到
🇯🇵Honda_10 2022-8-9 19:46:03 goodbye tonali
舒夫金撈 2022-8-9 19:46:55 我蘭點會賣人
Bookmark 定過幾年free 啦
病院阪黑貓 2022-8-9 19:47:46 買就無啦,26年可以排免簽
本田圭佑 2022-8-9 19:54:37 我入過去睇,佢地都唔係點J咋喎,係有人覺得東仔幾好,但係唔識佢嘅人好似更多
邦利拿BB 2022-8-9 19:57:20 意甲垃圾最鐘意講
舒夫金撈 2022-8-9 20:00:44 求求其其一隊英超護級隊過到嚟意甲都拎冠軍啦
方皓玟 2022-8-9 20:01:33 AC Milan want to sign a new midfielder, who has specific characteristics, that will bring rhythm, dynamism and an important defensive phase. Fundamental characteristics to replace Franck Kessie in the best possible way.
邦利拿BB 2022-8-9 20:05:13
方皓玟 2022-8-9 20:06:49 The new name is Baptiste Santamaria from Rennes.


AC米蘭 2022-8-9 20:10:36 此回覆已被刪除
石破熊河飯 2022-8-9 20:11:23 牙邦講你預左放大10倍啦
簡達華朗素 2022-8-9 20:13:12 出名買水
石破熊河飯 2022-8-9 20:13:24 只要有英超撚講我蘭/意假