[814意甲開季] AC米蘭球迷討論區 316
Saelemaekers 2022-8-12 14:13:17 1年約


雞巴哥 2022-8-12 14:48:35 點解唔學馬隊free走
舒夫金撈 2022-8-12 14:52:25 有5球assist 當你贏
方皓玟 2022-8-12 15:05:09 Club Brugge CEO Vincent Mannaert :
“A normal negotiation (CDK), but a very long one. To all of us it seemed like a soap opera. I sold Openda in 72 hours, for De Ketelaere the days were never enough. I was never afraid he would jump. There was a lot of stress but Milan came to Bruges to meet us and you don't do it if you're not really interested. "

“I have known Massara since the days of Roma, Maldini was a discovery. They were professional, in a context of great respect. Probably in the delicate moment they put more pressure on the agents, threatening to blow up the deal. Who was calling to keep the deal alive? Always call those who want to buy. We are all happy, even we with the money collected. Now it's up to Charles “.

“For me CDK is a very strong player, he can become a top of a top team. He has to put on a few pounds of muscle, that's the main challenge. He has an advantage: a great ability to adapt quickly. If the coach explains one thing to him, he immediately brings it onto the pitch. Charles knows what to expect and in races with more pressure he has always done well."
AC米蘭 2022-8-12 15:16:45 此回覆已被刪除
Saelemaekers 2022-8-12 15:26:46 聽日cdk可唔可以正選
病院阪黑貓 2022-8-12 15:34:16 冇學所以拎唔到意甲囉
eat_shit 2022-8-12 15:54:08 https://twitter.com/MilanPosts/status/1557997056379310081/
美斯迪利祖 2022-8-12 15:55:44 皮帥: 就係打烏雞先出佢
石破熊河飯 2022-8-12 15:55:46 喱d睇下算啦
阿伯痴肥 2022-8-12 15:59:51 其實睇熱身賽排序diaz 正選唔出奇


霸氣外露 2022-8-12 16:01:42 係咪聽晚開季? 我睇賽程可以申請一個月now E, 應該可以睇到兩三場非夜場
堀北真希2 2022-8-12 16:24:20 預咗又有人傷
amesta 2022-8-12 16:29:29 Now e 做咩價?我都諗住揀月份黎訂算
半夜就 pass
霸氣外露 2022-8-12 16:30:27 我都係咁, 如果嗰個月多場睇到就月, 否則就stop,最多買day pass.

我之前睇好似68一個月, 唔知今年有無加價
二石四鳥 2022-8-12 16:34:52 nowe 睇落好似好多plan 但好多有啲唔睇嘅焗硬食
霸氣外露 2022-8-12 16:38:14 我覺得睇意甲幾好, 佢獨立個bein sport 出黎唔一定要連埋歐聯歐霸. 月費68, 日費28 (好似再加咗). 咁就可以depends on 賽程決定幾時john. 同埋有廣東話評述呢個都係吸引位
二石四鳥 2022-8-12 16:49:42 好彩當年bein 冇cut
nowe好似唔齊bein 台
霸氣外露 2022-8-12 16:51:05 應該無咁齊, 但我啱時間睇嘅米蘭波基本上都無試過無得播
所以so far okay~
amesta 2022-8-12 17:38:06 意甲時間咁西,要返工睇唔到幾多場
霸氣外露 2022-8-12 17:40:49 所以唔使個個月續約


仙豆 2022-8-12 17:41:18 上年我只係睇意甲,好似42一個月
N.Aké 2022-8-12 17:51:21 大隻仔都去埋monza
病院阪黑貓 2022-8-12 17:53:46 老細, CEO, 教練, 隊長, 同埋唔少球員都同我蘭有關
神奇哥 2022-8-12 17:59:31 撚式足球3:45打榜尾攻唔入都照睇