[814意甲開季] AC米蘭球迷討論區 316
BrahimDiaz 2022-8-12 06:09:13 佢追撚含 間球會唔平放姐


Saelemaekers 2022-8-12 06:11:02 OK
🇯🇵Honda_10 2022-8-12 09:35:36 28028
阿伯痴肥 2022-8-12 10:09:09 隔離街求其放走隻青訓前鋒pinamonti都輕鬆執2000萬
方皓玟 2022-8-12 10:23:06 Ziyech file is at a standstill as the player refuses to lower his salary which Milan cannot match
方皓玟 2022-8-12 10:23:50 Fikayo Tomori has agreed a new five-year contract at AC Milan.

Agreement reached tonight. All parties were keen to complete before Serie A season starts.
方皓玟 2022-8-12 10:24:45 Tiémoué Bakayoko is an option for Nottingham Forest. Bakayoko could end his two-year loan at Milan to sign with Forest. Talks ongoing to find an agreement on the player’s wages.
amesta 2022-8-12 10:37:18 反而英人肯簽續約。。。
AC米蘭 2022-8-12 10:37:38 此回覆已被刪除
飛髮仔 2022-8-12 10:47:57 有心續嘅其實真係好簡單
病院阪黑貓 2022-8-12 10:58:58 諗番牙告個價佢地賣平左已經


Saelemaekers 2022-8-12 11:00:32 入10幾甩 20M差唔多 後生意撚前鋒
Saelemaekers 2022-8-12 11:20:41 對馬隊黎講D防守球員真係最易續
神奇哥 2022-8-12 11:38:59 salary cap

吟遊詩人 2022-8-12 11:52:13 我蘭唔用嘅嘢 只會當垃圾咁掉出門口
病院阪黑貓 2022-8-12 12:02:19 告仔賣左18m喎,馬隊目前賣得最好個個
病院阪黑貓 2022-8-12 12:04:53 意大利記者on9, 英國個邊報椰子6m佢地當左6m稅後,去到意甲3m左右,仲有稅務優惠,而家係清唔到人多d
美斯迪利祖 2022-8-12 12:16:02 主因9成係Diaz 同 optional buyout clause 架啦
舒夫金撈 2022-8-12 12:31:39 無計,前場得C7走
入咗Cdk Adli
唯有等Messias 證明自己
米蘭先生 2022-8-12 12:46:59 雖然話美斯係奪冠功臣當佢condom咁好似好冇道義咁,但靠佢正選又唔掂,佢同sales做後備又太浪費,好雞肋
我還是個寶寶 2022-8-12 12:50:22 如果清到diaz
右翼 椰子 美斯
左翼 leao rebic
中間 cdk adli
Sales 萬能代補


Calabria 2022-8-12 13:22:14 美斯可以睇多季先
左邊唔係Leao Theo屈體能可能都唔好得好邊
Saelemaekers 2022-8-12 14:01:56 今季等睇我爆發
仙豆 2022-8-12 14:03:34
嘉神川諾艾爾 2022-8-12 14:10:56 拿波里做咩要賤賣Fabian