[六個月之後又六個月,兩年都嚟緊頭喇老闆] 八月海外賽事討論區IV
ミズチ 2022-8-11 00:27:58 升得G1


Agentz1 2022-8-11 00:51:01 Money
波利 2022-8-11 00:58:51 唔得啦
夕陽紅 2022-8-11 01:20:37 Whose money先係重點
田泰安兪真 2022-8-11 08:49:36 木一有冇坐騎
社畜之星-MJ 2022-8-11 11:00:42 諗左陣邊個架仔叫木一

加州萬里 2022-8-11 11:07:37 https://twitter.com/abi_benedict/status/1557561930289926146?s=21&t=moCUp_C-9-qofBHQgt6Y-Q

波利 2022-8-11 11:12:20 JRA level tracks = 跑撚傷哂d馬
恐慌都無用 2022-8-11 11:17:36 Japan tracks going: F**KIN' HARD.
宮澤有紀寧 2022-8-11 11:28:03 一個比日本人更加日本人嘅澳洲人
桜雪 2022-8-11 11:42:45 佢其實份工係做啲咩


波利 2022-8-11 12:05:24 幫架仔含
旅程愉快 2022-8-11 12:06:56 Wow 旋進軌跡同豐碩之行
波利 2022-8-11 12:16:49 輸撚硬
Agentz1 2022-8-11 12:20:23

真心呼喚 2022-8-11 12:22:56 又有得睇Fallon騎
波利 2022-8-11 12:24:40 會賭erevann p
淡若水 2022-8-11 12:25:30 豐收節仲跑
Agentz1 2022-8-11 12:28:31 未必嘅
Agentz1 2022-8-11 12:49:07 The prospect of having a Royal Ascot runner next June and a Cox Plate runner the following October was the driving force behind a purchase of G1-placed Light Infantry by a group of notable Australian owners.

Ozzie Kheir confirmed the sale on Wednesday night with the northern hemisphere three-year-old immediately under the spotlight as he runs for his new connections in Sunday’s G1 Prix Jacques Le Marois (1600m) down the straight course at Deauville on Sunday.

David Simcock會繼續練 23年Spring Carnival就會交比Ciaron Maher and Dave Eustace.
旅程愉快 2022-8-11 12:51:05 最大對手係coroebus ???


今井綠 2022-8-11 14:27:04 可以騎之前果隻TM馬去吸下飛+收視嘛
Win神(合夥新星) 2022-8-11 14:36:00 其實日本女騎師有無話幾年之後會有咩打算

波利 2022-8-11 14:44:55 原來jra pr真係住係日本
波利 2022-8-11 14:45:27 簽左藝能人公司