[六個月之後又六個月,兩年都嚟緊頭喇老闆] 八月海外賽事討論區IV
夕陽紅 2022-8-13 20:55:22 香港人識撚咩


SEJEONGKIM33 2022-8-13 20:56:06 棒球緊係睇下邊個首發先
夕陽紅 2022-8-13 20:56:31 日日朝早開波,翻工前一齊落注
加州萬里 2022-8-13 20:56:39 MLB試過睇但對唔住真係唔撚識睇
SEJEONGKIM33 2022-8-13 20:56:56 NHL 開埋
莫雅(老豆) 2022-8-13 20:57:04 短途先有機會偷下雞
SEJEONGKIM33 2022-8-13 20:57:18 棒球好好睇
Agentz1 2022-8-13 20:57:27 The commissioners of France Galop did not provide new information on the criminal status and judicial control for jockey Pierre-Charles Boudot, nor on their position regarding his return to activity on track, and have renewed the suspension of the authorisation to ride as of Aug. 17, 2022.

Given the jockey's wish to return to racing, the duration of this precautionary suspension was set at three months, in order to allow for a rapid review of the situation; specifying that the measure could be lifted before its end in view of the elements that would be brought to their attention.

France Galop points out that the adoption of this measure does not call into question the presumption the innocence of the person concerned.
加州萬里 2022-8-13 20:58:44 Victory Dance
夕陽紅 2022-8-13 20:58:55 一邊做嘢一邊睇okay,全神貫注搞唔掂,一分鐘pitch一球
田泰安兪真 2022-8-13 20:59:20 一路扮工一路賭


SEJEONGKIM33 2022-8-13 20:59:27 大谷先發事項
SEJEONGKIM33 2022-8-13 21:00:23 時間好快過
夕陽紅 2022-8-13 21:00:25 我買被全疊打
加州萬里 2022-8-13 21:00:52 真係6點賭到12點
SEJEONGKIM33 2022-8-13 21:01:15 睇佢而家先發咁撚勁
加州萬里 2022-8-13 21:02:56 其實佢地搞咁撚多嘢不如無限期禁賽直到有消息咪算囉
田泰安兪真 2022-8-13 21:03:33 之前play off就係咁
夕陽紅 2022-8-13 21:04:57 今年穩定咗好多,想睇佢拎屆Cy Young
Agentz1 2022-8-13 21:06:15 又唔想冇咗個好騎師 又唔想得罪左膠同女權
夕陽紅 2022-8-13 21:06:23 唔多信真係會開得成


岩立沙穂世界一 2022-8-13 21:07:49 咁一定買佢K人先
Agentz1 2022-8-13 21:08:47 https://twitter.com/aobrienfansite/status/1558439863606722562?t=rBEbWJTQDAwaIfSIjy3TJw&s=19
加州萬里 2022-8-13 21:08:54 Leon Bailey
Agentz1 2022-8-13 21:10:08 拖肥仲係咁真係可以落去Championship