[HOWAY THE LADS] 紐卡素22/23開季討論區 (70)
般奴古馬雷斯 2022-8-9 09:17:41 howe有個籍口比班管理層買人


小鋼炮 2022-8-9 09:22:09
無埋光頭應該真係會加速買人啦 是旦傷多件中場 真係無人用
無人止境 2022-8-9 09:25:51 佢今年真係Fit
武藤大地 2022-8-9 09:28:37 所以依家唔會放細長工住
般奴古馬雷斯 2022-8-9 09:28:43 可能操得太勁, 頂唔順
般奴古馬雷斯 2022-8-9 09:29:23 但howe唔係好用佢, 出billy仔機會d
死黑警食屎狗 2022-8-9 09:32:47 細長工一定唔用架啦 不過可能無人想要
白飯 2022-8-9 09:36:05 借去英冠
般奴古馬雷斯 2022-8-9 09:49:46 英甲都唔知有冇呀,仲英冠
白飯 2022-8-9 10:00:18 真係咁差
般奴古馬雷斯 2022-8-9 10:03:12 Joelinton has admitted it “would be great” to see Lucas Paqueta join him and Bruno Guimaraes at St James’ Park.

The Lyon playmaker has been linked with a big-money move to the Premier League for several months now – and those murmurings only increased when he was spotted visiting his best friend Bruno on Tyneside earlier this summer.

Big Joe has has revealed that he also met the fellow Brazilian during his recent trip to the North-East – which was to celebrate the birthday of Bruno’s partner – saying he is a “great guy” and “great player” he’d be “very happy” to see us sign.

Speaking to The Mirror, here’s what big Joe had to say when asked about our alleged interest:

“It would be great.

“I met him last season in Newcastle with Bruno and we just played a bit of ball and chatted.

“He’s a great guy and, if he comes, I will be very happy because he is really a great player.”

Speaking to the same outlet, here’s what Bruno said when asked if he’d like to see his good friend in a black and white shirt, insisting once again that he’d “love” to see him sign:

“Paqueta in black and white again? It is difficult to say. I would love that!

“But I don’t work in this area.

“I am a player. I invited him [to my house] and we play together in my garden. It was only this.”



無人止境 2022-8-9 10:19:24 巴西幫會做嘢
JM 2022-8-9 10:22:15 無左光頭 中場得返般奴 連登 洛克人 大長工 安達臣
般奴古馬雷斯 2022-8-9 10:24:51 希望可以加速買人進度
無人止境 2022-8-9 10:25:08 馬勒當拿係工兵

武藤大地 2022-8-9 10:28:12 利記艾簡啱啱傷咗
般奴古馬雷斯 2022-8-9 10:31:43 定係要泰文利斯?
Alan_Shearer 2022-8-9 10:59:18 光頭
手提用戶 2022-8-9 11:37:22 馬勒當拿


Foden 都無吹到咁大啦
爽過爽歪歪 2022-8-9 11:44:19 巴頓吹出嚟
手提用戶 2022-8-9 11:51:25 呢啲真係好影響啲後生成長
一係就頂唔住壓力 一係就變到好自負


無人止境 2022-8-9 12:38:42 人地7-2
JM 2022-8-9 12:48:07 英乙馬勒當拿者
無人止境 2022-8-9 12:57:31 唔係英乙
係Gerodie Maradona
李康廉 2022-8-9 13:02:43 點老馬法
