工不應求 2022-7-22 22:26:01


吟遊詩人 2022-7-22 22:27:13 P牌無得申請國際牌都揀呢個?
小膠龍 2022-7-22 22:29:12
換左uk 牌就係uk full license
小膠龍 2022-7-22 22:30:02
工不應求 2022-7-22 22:30:24
東京街強尼 2022-7-22 22:43:53 我見有公司可以選擇exchangeable license
工不應求 2022-7-22 22:52:37
普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:27:25 呢個真
普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:29:18
普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:32:22 要聯絡英國運輸署(DVLA)同佢講你收唔到V5C

DVLA aims to send out a new V5C to you as soon as possible, usually 4 to 6 weeks after getting the old V5C from the seller.

If you do not get it within 6 weeks:

complete form V62 - ‘Application for a vehicle registration certificate’
send it to DVLA with the new keeper slip given to you by the seller - if you do not send in the new keeper slip, you’ll have to pay a fee
Download form V62 or get it from any Post Office branch.

Contact DVLA if you do not receive anything 6 weeks after sending in form V62.
普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:33:12



小膠龍 2022-7-22 23:33:57
Kai_Rooney 2022-7-22 23:35:01 Cazoo落足廣告 都有啲心動經佢買
小膠龍 2022-7-22 23:36:23 我地唔係exchangeable?
1 價錢乜野都不變
2 會回贈返少少俾你
3 佢會cut你,叫你再買
4 佢會叫你cut,再買
吟遊詩人 2022-7-22 23:39:03 我自己揸左十幾年車 會換埋國際牌先去
係我老婆舊年先考到 得個P 換唔到國際牌

咁到時填保險兩個都填international license算
反正而家換uk license個零星期攪掂
之後再update返保險做full uk license
普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:39:19

普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:41:04

普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:42:02 仲有Cinch
拖孖墮 2022-7-22 23:43:57
工不應求 2022-7-22 23:44:20
普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:56:53



冇咁嘅人喎 2022-7-22 23:57:01 係咪地區問題,試下換架車quote下
Tuoemit 2022-7-22 23:57:39
普和廸夫 2022-7-22 23:58:14 多數都分棍/自,不過佢直接問DVLA攞你張牌嘅資訊啫
工不應求 2022-7-23 00:01:20