2022-23 NBA休季討論區(5)
吽吽豆 2022-7-6 23:45:39 目前自由市場最有價值球員

1. Harden (仲同76人傾緊銀碼)
2. Ayton (尋找頂薪中)
3. Miles bridges (預計全額保障去監獄)
4. Sexton (意向不明)
5. Harrell (打官司中)


得我之幸失我之命 2022-7-7 00:03:21 KD一句trade me個轉會市場就靜到依家
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2022-7-7 00:39:41 Heat, Caleb Martin Agree To Three-Year Deal
楊明(無飲酒) 2022-7-7 00:50:04

Ben10(就出) 2022-7-7 04:47:12 你試下係youtube搵佢兩個啲射三分片
閪百發百中 龜百發百炒
楊明(無飲酒) 2022-7-7 05:24:03 閪百發百中係咪暑假練三分啲片
十字步 2022-7-7 05:36:41 佢好似企定定射得幾球
入咗兩三球 其他都係讀秒尻掉 炒晒
參宿IV 2022-7-7 07:40:17 https://twitter.com/bleacherreport/status/1544826243438166016?s=21&t=eNeIBGHnDcrSZ-uf_vD18Q
Keep_Angry 2022-7-7 07:55:08 想要KD就要拆骨
長命鎖 2022-7-7 08:19:10 One contract signed today that stands out is the five-year $251M one for Bradley Beal. Negotiated by Mark Bartelstein of
, the Beal contract consists of a no trade clause. He is the only player in the league to have a true no trade clause.
大致多雲 2022-7-7 08:24:17 即係霸王條款?原來依家無其他人有架喇?


長命鎖 2022-7-7 08:25:53 Beal becomes only the 10th player to have a no trade clause joining LeBron, KG, Melo, Dirk, Kobe, DWade, Duncan, David Robinson and John Stockton.

The contract also has a 15% trade kicker and player option in year 5.
慶乜撚野祝 2022-7-7 08:27:30 真愛
大致多雲 2022-7-7 08:30:43 WAS老闆同Beal 係咪互含過
長命鎖 2022-7-7 08:36:05 係霸王條款,現役得佢,對上嗰個好似係drik,毛有星長留咪當補償,又唔係想追冠
長命鎖 2022-7-7 08:46:16 Jalen Brunson is the first player in NBA history to sign a $100M+ deal with a new team despite never being an All-Star.
呢個我覺得真愛啲,手都未掂過就要養埋老豆. 最後仲唔知使唔使罸啲2RP
蔣志光 2022-7-7 08:54:37 Giddey點解要係SL刷三雙
永遠懷念高比 2022-7-7 09:07:10 此回覆已被刪除
大致多雲 2022-7-7 09:10:26 嚟個好有伏味
球哥@@ 2022-7-7 09:11:54 此回覆已被刪除
.小川彩 2022-7-7 09:14:01 紐約有邊次無中伏


癲濟公 2022-7-7 09:15:07 瘤弱人下季多數會開9肥T刀
球哥@@ 2022-7-7 09:16:15 此回覆已被刪除
燥底新丁 2022-7-7 09:18:16 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CfsFoIJFNfg/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

熊個肥仔對 Chet直撞埋去
Zachary 2022-7-7 09:31:36 真係太奀