執到隻雀b 求教
牛雜米加辣油 2022-9-6 16:49:29 d毛好似深色咗


星奈光 2022-9-6 17:04:22 LM
南條水鳥拳 2022-9-6 17:18:52 LM
冥王星人 2022-9-6 17:21:20 此回覆已被刪除
冥王星人 2022-9-6 17:22:04 此回覆已被刪除
CNTower 2022-9-6 21:16:04
蟈氓教育 2022-9-7 13:16:37 長大了
拮過扯過 2022-9-7 13:30:41 會唔會甩毛
天滅盧瀚霆 2022-9-7 19:02:53 原來識講野
以為得八哥 鸚鵡識講野
多啦GV夢 2022-9-7 19:13:34
obladi 2022-9-8 21:48:53 樓主好有心機,養得好好


路過看火 2022-9-8 23:32:13

香蔡英文 2022-9-9 00:00:20
CNTower 2022-9-9 00:29:39
公程式 2022-9-9 11:41:41 好精靈
大食美臣 2022-9-10 01:11:26 係咪女先會有紅斑
CNTower 2022-9-10 04:41:46 https://zh-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/zh-tw/红耳鹎?_x_tr_sl=zh-TW&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

The adult bird has a total length of 20 to 22 cm, a wingspan of about 28 cm, and a weight of 23 to 42 grams. The top of the head and the occiput are black, with a long erect crest, a red patch behind the eyes, the cheeks are white, the cheek lines are black, the throat is white, and there is a black stripe on each side from the lower neck to the chest, and the back edge of the stripe turns. is brown. The upper body and tail feathers are brown, the outer tail feathers have white terminal spots, the lower body is white, and the tail coverts are red [2] . Iris brown, mouth and feet black. The subspecies monticola has a complete black thorax [3] . The feather color of the female bird is similar to that of the male bird, but the black feathers are replaced by dark brown [4] .

The rear of the sub-adult is black without red patches, and the tail coverts are brown.

The call is a loud and continuous chirping call, a short and sweet whistle of two or three syllables wit-t-waet; also a pleasing prroop sound [3] .
武(上)裝人妻 2022-9-10 05:52:42 好可愛
體壇胡孟青 2022-9-10 06:40:35 留名等睇雀b育成記
李典影的 2022-9-10 07:06:58 好可愛 留名
六道培恩 2022-9-10 07:08:31 煮左 食飽了


PunPunChuChu 2022-9-10 10:34:06
中國已射出導彈 2022-9-10 13:37:47 lm
KONGCHU 2022-9-11 03:39:43 LM 救左條命好勁
真心愛角 2022-9-11 03:53:00 幫你着雀開Facebook IG page