執到隻雀b 求教
🌜括號🌛 2022-7-28 14:15:54 rip… 雖然知道呢d係物競天擇 但見到夭折既雀雀都會好sad呢


天滅盧瀚霆 2022-7-28 17:06:23 隻雀好靚
路過看火 2022-7-28 20:22:27
安茲烏爾恭 2022-7-28 21:56:43 樓主好有愛
冬月茉莉 2022-7-28 23:48:48 lm
國家級甲甴 2022-7-28 23:50:21 買啲蕃咖餵佢會健康啲
404errorrrrrr 2022-7-29 02:26:36 發大
CNTower 2022-7-29 08:17:34 https://furwingsandscalythings.com/can-birds-eat-tomatoes/
However, there are some cases where it is pretty easy to give a broad answer, such as with tomatoes. Birds, whether in the wild or as exotic pets, should not have a lot of raw tomato in their diet because tomatoes are generally too acidic for their little bodies
路過看火 2022-7-30 11:04:42
九重 2022-7-30 11:08:44 變到好靚仔
彩虹道蘭特 2022-7-30 16:14:39 Gel到咁高


404errorrrrrr 2022-7-30 16:22:33 Mk仔
人生可否重來 2022-7-30 18:16:00
豬hi八格野郎 2022-7-30 18:35:27 strong post pm
路過看火 2022-7-31 08:58:07
一世蘋安 2022-7-31 09:02:18 個頭gel到愈黎愈高
金魚妻 2022-7-31 09:09:43 好靚
路過看火 2022-7-31 10:07:32 https://streamable.com/mzsv5m


巨浪大切卡樂B 2022-7-31 10:09:39 Mk 係天生
CNTower 2022-7-31 10:11:13
Yenneferrr 2022-7-31 10:14:55 啱啱先睇到呢個post



Napi 2022-7-31 12:47:44 好得意
Borderline 2022-7-31 12:52:50 識打喊露
想不到的名字 2022-7-31 17:28:57 其實佢會唔會周圍痾?
東戇西鳩 2022-7-31 17:31:37 此回覆已被刪除